Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Minimum Wage Should Be Raised - 1145 Words
The current minimum wage is $7.25, which equals two gallons of milk, one fast food meal or two gallons of gas. Can you imagine yourself working 12-hours a day and only having enough money to pay for rent and put food on the table for your family? With working all those long hours, you can barely afford to pay your utility bills and after that you don’t have enough money or time for luxuries like clothing or vacation. You have no savings as matter of fact, you are in a huge debt and you are living paycheck to paycheck. This is the story of millions of American worker, who are employed on minimum wage. The shocking part about this story is that million of Americans would be saved from this poverty life, if the American government raises the minimum wage. This would not only help the workers, but also the economy because raising the minimum wage would put extra money in the pocket of minimum wage worker and extra spending would help restore consumer spending. Almost 8 million Americans work full time and still fall below the poverty line. Some argue that raising the minimum wage will only benefit the workers who may not need it. This argument is flawed, according to The Economic Policy Institute’s analysis, which shows that â€Å"most of the low wage workers live in low-wage households, and 84% of the workers in low-wage jobs are at least 20 years old.†(LA Times, Stern and Camden). In my point of view, anyone that shows up to work regularly and puts in quality hours should beShow MoreRelatedMinimum Wage Should Be Raised?958 Words  | 4 PagesMinimum Wage Louis Montgomery III English Composition 101 Mrs. Blackwell April 23, 2015 Minimum Wage Do minimum wage jobs help pay the bills? Do minimum wage jobs support the family? Should minimum wage be raised? Will raising the minimum wage reduce poverty? The idea of minimum wage jobs is to help people get work experience without having any skills. Most minimum wage jobs include fast food restaurants and grocery stores. Minimum wageRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised?1062 Words  | 5 Pagesever pressing question regarding Minimum wage. Not many subjects can ignite a controversy as quickly as that of whether or not minimum wage should be raised, or by how much should it be raised or if it should remain the same. What is minimum wage? By definition, minimum wage is the minimum hourly wage an employer can pay an employee for work. (â€Å"†) America’s minimum wage was first introduced by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. That minimum wage was introduced as part of the FairRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised? Essay1596 Words  | 7 Pagesgovernment has so generously termed the â€Å"minimum wage†. In Missouri, the minimum wage has been set at a rather appalling $7.65 per hour while in other states there are wages starting as high as $10. Though arguably the economy is not as sluggish and terrible as it once was, $7.65 per hour will not help those who have children, no college degree and debts to pay. It is not only Missouri that has minimum wage laws, but every other state in America has minimum wage laws in place. Both California and SeattleRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised?870 Words  | 4 PagesShould Minimum Wage Be Raised? Minimum wage has always been a controversial issue. Many politicians use the argument of minimum wage for their own political propaganda. Some may argue minimum wage should be raised, while others believe it will have detrimental effects on our economy if it is raised. Surprising to most people, minimum wage earners make up only a small percent of American workers. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, minimum wage workers make up about 2.8% of all workersRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised935 Words  | 4 PagesMinimum wage is an ongoing debate in the United States. There are some people who think that it should be raised to a higher rate and others who think that it should not. There are many different pros and cons with raising minimum wage. Minimum wage is at a balanced rate that should not be raised due to lack of skill, low education, and economic problems. Jobs that require minimum wage are created for young adults who are in college or high school. They are to help one get one on their feet so thatRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Be Raised910 Words  | 4 Pagesmaximize the American Dream on the minimum wage†(Benjamin Todd Jealous). In 1938, minimum wage was created by the federal government in order to protect workers by ensuring a minimum of twenty-five cents per hour worked. Though President Roosevelt had the right idea in protecting the workforce, something needs to be done to ensure that Americans are getting a reasonable amount of money for the amount of hours they have worked. As Benjamin Todd Jealous stated, minimum wage is not enough for the averageRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Be Raised998 Words  | 4 Pagesprestigious job at such a young age. However that is not the case, if the minimum wage is raised to $15 an hour, a 16 year old could make $18,000 yearly working only 25 hours a week at McDonalds. Now for tee nagers that have goals for college or a car, that would money to set aside for the future, however most 16 year olds do not have those goals in mind yet, so that extra money turns into wasted money. As of February 2016 the minimum wage ranges anywhere from $7.25-$10 across the United States. Florida’sRead MoreMinimum Wage Should Not Be Raised863 Words  | 4 Pagesthan triple the minimum wage. If the minimum wage is increased, it would eliminate people’s incentives to improve. On top of that, inflation would occur, and poverty would virtually stay the same. In addition, raising the minimum wage would bring on hardship for small businesses. Of course, one may argue that the minimum should cover the cost of living, but people should have to work for their money. The minimum wage should not be raised in the United States. If the minimum wage were to go up, peopleRead MoreThe Minimum Wage Should Not Be Raised858 Words  | 4 PagesRepublican presidential candidate, Ted Cruz, is of the opinion that the Minimum wage should not be raised. This is a large issue as the current federal minimum wage of $7.25 is not enough to support basic living costs in a fair number of states. Ted Cruz highlights the consequences of raising the minimum wage yet ignores the cons of it remaining static (Ted Cruz on the Minimum Wage). In an article in The Atlantic, the discussion of the cost of living is brought up. The article talks about how theRead MoreShould Minimum Wage Be Raised?1337 Words  | 6 Pagesnot to raise the minimum wage in America has been a widely discussed topic for years. Minimum wage refers to the smallest amount of money a worker can legally be paid in the U.S. It was first signed into law in 1938 by President Franklin Roosevelt in order to keep workers out of poverty and as it stands, the current federal minimum wage in the U.S. is $7.25 per hour. (United States Department of Labor). Today, while some are even questioning the significance of having a minimum wage at all, others
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Economics A Very Wide And Expansive Topic Essay
Economics is a very wide and expansive topic, the topics of economics could be explained in several sub topics, now what is economics to be more specific what macroeconomics is. Macroeconomics the part of economics concerned with large-scale or general economic factors, such as interest rates and national productivity. When it comes to economics their 4 type of resources, land, labor, capital, entrepreneur ship, and these are known as the factors of production, now the best resource out of all the 4 four types of resource is capital, capital in my opinion is the main factor which yields the most production, to an economy, and here is why that is, and more in depth of the 4 factors of production. Land, what is exactly is land in the sense of the four factors of productions, this refers to the farm’s land base, whether it is in one field or divided into different parcels, as well as its agricultural qualities (e.g. topography, altitude, soil type, and natural water and nutrient cycles). All of these characteristics set limits on farming activities (e.g. number and size of livestock) that can take place on the farm. They also affect whether production can be intensive (when there is little land available) or extensive. Besides the land itself, the flow and retention of water and nutrients on the land is fundamentally important to its productivity, also to mark it down to show the best they can get from the land. Labor, what is labor, in the terms of economics, when it comes toShow MoreRelatedEducation Is Learning What You Didn t So Know1095 Words  | 5 Pagesperson, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity or any other characteristic, would get an education at some point in their lives, especially children. It is especially important to children as it is a primary socialisation is education at home which is very essential for a child’s educational growth, parents must provide this form of socialisation to their child. A child accepts and learns a set of norms and values based on their culture, these are established by the parents in the process of socializationRead MoreBreastfeeding Research For Infant Feeding Decision Making1545 Words  | 7 Pagesthe current literature does not thoroughly explain why women choose to breastfeed or choose not to breastfeed, and the point in time in which they decide. This chapter proposes that the methodological framework that would best support viewing such a wide range of data across many disciplines is crystallization, which helps present findings in a multifaceted and innovative way without losing possible outliers. This methodology allows for the inclusive of both positivism and interpretivism research withRead MoreExpressions Of Grief, Loss And Mourning Essay1957 Words  | 8 Pageswrites, â€Å"It is the nature of grief to keep its object perpetually in its eye, to present it in its most pleasurable views, to repeat all the circumstances that attend to it†. Burke’s writing attempts to clarify the â€Å"pictorial, literary, cultural, economic and psychological†phenomenon of sublimity, explicating the ways in which power, vastness, obscurity and beauty intersect to form emotional response. A Philosophical Enquiry elucidates why so many Romantic poets and writers would make grief, mourningRead MoreCollege Of Environme ntal Science And Forestry3414 Words  | 14 Pagesthe subject of this huge infrastructure element. Its size and needs can be compared to the same things that are necessary for the management of one big city. The work was developed to prove and demonstrate the huge necessity of the airport for the economic development of the cities and its surroundings. 01 ORIGINS The airports just exist due to the creation of the airplane. They changed the way in how people can understand the world. The potential of the machine provided one ofRead More GIS: A Step Above Essay1944 Words  | 8 PagesInformation Systems is the prime tool for spatial research. GIS at work Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are used in a wide variety of businesses across the United States. The program can compile various amounts and types of data into the system’s database. The computer can then use the information to aid in spatially analyzing a specific research topic. Information stored in the GIS database is structured to order the information in separate applications. In a study of an urbanRead MoreThe Economic Policy Institute Is A Washington D.c2850 Words  | 12 PagesJulia Huiras September 5th, 2014 Journalism 1111 Professor George Miller The Economic Policy Institute The Economic Policy Institute is a Washington D.C. based corporation, founded in 1986 that focuses on the fair pay, affordable healthcare and retirement security in regards to low and middle class American workers. Though EPI seems to have one major goal, to be a voice for the lower and middle class, it does have twelve areas of expertise that are constantly monitored by experts within the companyRead MoreAn Evaluation Of A Technological Solution For Healthcare2231 Words  | 9 Pagesof the data they capture for their business. Rationale for Choosing QlikView QlikView was chosen as the technology tool for evaluation because of the following reasons: Boom of Analytics The field of analytics is the one of the most talked about topics in relation to any field around the world at the moment. Business Intelligence Analytics, Big Data Analytics have become indispensable to big businesses over the past couple of decades (Chen et al., 2012). Business Analytics was identified as theRead MoreGlobal Forces Shaping The Future Of Business And Society2631 Words  | 11 Pageslooking over its core capabilities and structure of the industry to respond against the changing frame and basis of competition. Managers must also possess a great understanding of external forces and let go of falling trends. Methodology For this topic, qualitative approach of data is taken. The overall orientation of the research is based on the qualitative data found from the secondary sources. Due to the complexity of the report and time limitation primary data was not included in the report.Read MoreEdward Koch and AIDS in New York City Essay example1995 Words  | 8 Pagesbecame the Mayor of New York City 1977. He was the 105th mayor of New York City and is considered one of the best mayors of New York City because he is credited with helping New York enter a period of fiscal prominence. Mayor Koch was considered to be very pro-gay and pro-lesbian rights but is thought to have majorly fumbled the handling of the AIDS epidemic while in office which some still have not forgiven him for. He is credited for shutting down the New York City gay bathhouses and straight sex clubsRead MoreQuestions On Cisco Design And Security Essay5439 Words  | 22 PagesProblems 4 1.1.2 Objectives to achieve the project 4 1.2 Objectives 5 1.3 FEASIBILITY STUDY 5 1.3.1 Technical feasibility: 5 1.3.2 Economic feasibility: 6 1.3.3 Operational feasibility: 6 1.3.4 Schedule Feasibility: 6 1.3.5 Behavioural Feasibility: 6 1.3.6 Legal feasibility: 7 1.3.7 Resources feasibility: 7 1.4 Resources and tools required to complete this project 7 1.5 Topics relating to your project 8 1.5.1 Introduction to Networks: 8 1.5.2 Network Topologies: 9 Bus: 9 Ring: 9 1.5.2
Monday, December 9, 2019
Ford Pinto Fires Essay Example For Students
Ford Pinto Fires Essay Ford Pinto Fires Case Questions 1. Identify relevant facts (Trevino, Nelson, and K. A. (2007) a. 1968 Ford made the decision to battle foreign competition and produce a small car to be in the showroom by 1971 b. Shortest production planning period in automotive history c. Under normal conditions chassis design, styling, product planning, advance engineering, component testing, and so on were all either completed or nearly completed prior to tooling of the production factories. Because tooling had a fixed time frame of about 18 months; some of these other processes were done more or less concurrently. . When it was discovered through crash testing that the Pinto’s fuel tank often ruptured during rear-end impact, it was too late to do much about it in terms of redesign. e. Ford was fully aware of faulty fuel tank design. These tests were done under guidelines established by Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standard 301, which was proposed in 1968 by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration , but not officially adopted until the 1977 model year. f. For the Pinto’s 1971 debut, Ford decided to go with its original gas tank design despite the crash-test results. g. Limits of 2000†Pinto could not cost more than $2000 and could not weigh more than 2000 pounds. Ford felt it could not spend any money on improving the gas tank. h. During the late 1960’s and early 1970’s American consumers demonstrated little concern for safety. i. One Ford engineer, when asked about the dangerous gas tank said, â€Å"Safety isn’t the issue, trunk space is†j. Most controversial reason for not making adjustments, Ford and the auto industry convinced NHTSA regulators that cost/benefit analysis would be an appropriate bases for determining the feasibility of safety design standards. . Ford calculated the cost of adding an $11 gas tank improvement versus the benefits of the projected 180 lives that would be saved. The costs outweighed the benefits by almost three times. This analysis indicated no improvements to the gas tanks were warranted. 2. Identify the pertinent ethical issues/points of ethical conflict a. Can you put a value on a person’s life b. Is the cost of $11 to fix the problem really worth more than a person’s life c. Ford was aware of the gas tank problem and still did not fix it. 3. Identify the relevant affected parties . Pinto owners b. Ford executives who made the decision to go ahead with production c. The Engineers who were aware of the problem and kept quiet 4. Identify possible consequences of alternative courses of action a. Lives would have been saved with the $11 fix b. If more time was taken to produce the car, the Pinto would have been a safer car c. Ford would have saved money on lawsuits while profit would decrease 5. Identify relevant obligations a. At the time of production the Pinto was considered safe. b. The engineers followed the â€Å"Limits of 2000†. Identify your relevant community standards that should guide you as a person of integrity a. Confident when purchasing a car that it will be safe. b. Confident of automakers producing safe vehicles c. Communities value human life more than the $11 fix. 7. Check your gut a. Ford should have implemented the fix before allowing the cars to be sold The facts were taken from the end of chapter 4, Pinto Fires by Dennis A Gioia That is also where I got the questions from. Trevino, L. K. , Nelson, . , K. A. , . (2007). Managing business ethics.Straight talk about how to do it right, Fourth Edition. , : John Wiley Sons. .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 , .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .postImageUrl , .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 , .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:hover , .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:visited , .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:active { border:0!important; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:active , .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874 .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u13f78bb19498016d3c090fca0bf61874:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: By: Chris Pobst Essay Slide show Facts 1 Short production cycles 2 Tooling being produced simultaneously as engineering 3 Ford aware of problem before production 4 Original gas tank design despite knowledge of failure Ethical issues and affected parties 1 $11 fix 2 Value on someone’s life 3 Ford with knowledge of defect 4 Consumers and engineers of Ford with knowledge of problem Obligation and standards 1 Ford provide quality automobiles 2 Human lives cannot be valued 3 Ford should have fixed problem before releasing for sale
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Martin The Warrior Essays (639 words) - Martin The Warrior, Redwall
Martin The Warrior The novel, Martin the Warrior by Brian Jacques, is a book about a young mouse warrior named Martin, son of Luke the Warrior, a mouse that fought sea rats, One day, after the murder of most of his tribe (including his wife), Luke set sail to have his revenge against Vilu Daskar, the stoat pirate responsible for the massacre. Before he left, he gave Martin his sword, which had been handed down through their family since Luke's own grandsire lived. This book is about how Martin travels through a land full of moles, squirrels, and other woodland creatures which talk and walk upright. Martin goes around meeting creatures from all different lands and asks them to join his army to fight a tyrant who is keeping slaves in his fort, Marshank. The plot of this book is how Martin and his friends fight the tyrant, Badrang, to free slaves. The main idea of the book is how and why Martin and his army fight the tyrant. When Martin was captured as a slave for Badrang the Tyrant, he was furious. Not only did the evil rat steal his father's sword, he beat and mistreated all of the slaves horribly! Devising a plan, Martin frees himself and two of his friends from the Marshank, the slave camp: Brome the mouse and Felldoh the squirrel. Brome's sister, Laterose (Rose for short) and her companion Grumm the mole all set out with Martin and his friends to go get help from their hometown of Noonvale. Unfortunately, due to the sea's conditions, Martin, Rose, and Grumm get separated from Brome and Felldoh. The two strings of the story carry on and tie together at the end: Martin's group eventually reaches Noonvale, where he returns to Badrang to get his revenge, and Brome and Felldoh join the Rambling Rosehip Players, a bunch of happy-go-lucky animals that made the hardships less hard, and also get to the slave camp. The ending is tragic, and whenever I read it I get depressed. Martin, in the end, retrieves his sword from Badrang, and succeeds in killing him, but Rose, who he has become very much attached to, tries to help Martin in killing Badrang, but only ends up getting killed by him herself. Also, Felldoh died toward the end-- he had fought Badrang one-on-one but the lousy cheater called his army to help him. Felldoh, being a great warrior, killed many of Badrang's men but did not kill Badrang himself. Brome still lived, but found he did not like war, so he became a healer. Some of the characters that Martin encountered along his travels changed from being his enemies to being his allies. The creatures changed when Martin was off to go fight the tyrant and when he and his friends asked them to which to join fight the tyrant so he could not capture any more creatures for his slaves and makes his horde any more powerful. Sometimes it did not seem believable because of how they turned from enemies to allies instantly and why they joined without even knowing who Badrang the tyrant was. I felt like I had a similar relationship when Martin was leading his army into battle. I have this feeling when I'm a captain of my basketball team and I have the partial responsibility of leading them to victory or defeat. I thought that the best scene in the book was when Martin's army attacked the tyrant's fort for the second time. It reminds me about whenever I lead or am a part of an activity of some sort, like basketball or tennis. I think that the title, Martin the Warrior, is fitting because it's simple and it tells what the book is about. I liked the author's style of telling what was going on in the book and how he described it. He made it feel like you were actually there. The story made me feel good in the end, when Martin's army defeated the tyrant. I liked this because I love the feeling of victory.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
And then there were none by Agatha kristi
And then there were none by Agatha kristi Agatha Christie's, And Then There Were None is a chilling mystery about a group of people who were invited to an island and got killed off one by one via an unknown being during their stay. The group invited to this peaceful and tropical island all had one thing in common; they had each committed a deadly crime, which the court could not dispense justice upon. For example: One night, a lady was brought into a hospital needing a simple surgery. Dr. Armstrong was present and performed the operation. Little did any one know, that at the time Dr. Armstrong was under the influence of alcohol and did not have the ability to execute the task. He made a fatal mistake during the operation, resulting in the patient's death. Each guest committed a similar crime to this one. They die one by one as their dark pasts are revealed.When all ten guests arrived on the island they noticed that their host was nowhere to be found.VERA ZVONEREVAOne stormy evening while everyone was sitting around the fire of the luxurious mansion, sipping tea and coffee, there came the sound of a droning PA announcer. It accused each guest of a murder and then went silent. Everyone thought that the host was playing a silly practical joke and would soon introduce himself. During the accusations, one of the guests fainted and everyone rushed to her aid. In the midst of all this commotion the host slipped a lethal amount of poison into Anthony Martison's beverage and then joined the scene. The guest drank it and died instantly. Now people were getting suspicious.The following days people were getting killed one by one, some by poison, some by drowning, and some by axes and pipes. This is how one of brutal murders...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Facts and History of Kuwait
Facts and History of Kuwait Kuwaits government is a constitutional monarchy headed by the hereditary leader, the emir. The Kuwaiti emir is a member of the Al Sabah family, which has ruled the country since 1938; the current monarch is Sabah Al-Ahmad Al-Jaber Al-Sabah. The capital of Kuwait is Kuwait City, with a population 151,000 and with a metro area population of 2.38 million. Population According to the US Central Intelligence Agency, the total population of Kuwait is about 2.695 million, which includes 1.3 million non-nationals. Kuwaits government, however, maintains that there are 3.9 million people in Kuwait, of whom 1.2 million are Kuwaiti. Among the actual Kuwaiti citizens, approximately 90% are Arabs and 8% are of Persian (Iranian) descent. There are also a small number of Kuwaiti citizens whose ancestors came from India. Within the guest worker and expatriate communities, Indians make up the largest group at nearly 600,000. There are an estimated 260,000 workers from Egypt, and 250,000 from Pakistan. Other foreign nationals in Kuwait include Syrians, Iranians, Palestinians, Turks, and smaller numbers of Americans and Europeans. Languages Kuwaits official language is Arabic. Many Kuwaitis speak the local dialect of Arabic, which is an amalgam of Mesopotamian Arabic of the southern Euphrates branch, and Peninsular Arabic, which is the variant most common on the Arabian Peninsula. Kuwaiti Arabic also includes many loan words from Indian languages and from English. English is the most commonly used foreign language for business and commerce. Religion Islam is the official religion of Kuwait. Approximately 85% of Kuwaitis are Muslim; of that number, 70% are Sunni and 30% are Shia, mostly of the Twelver school. Kuwait has tiny minorities of other religions among its citizens, as well. There are about 400 Christian Kuwaitis, and about 20 Kuwaiti Bahais. Among the guest workers and ex-pats, approximately 600,000 are Hindu, 450,000 are Christian, 100,000 are Buddhist, and about 10,000 are Sikhs. The remainder are Muslim. Because they are People of the Book, Christians in Kuwait are allowed to build churches and keep a certain number of clergy, but proselytizing is forbidden. Hindus, Sikhs, and Buddhists are not allowed to build temples or gurdwaras. Geography Kuwait is a small country, with an area of 17,818 sq km (6,880 sq miles); in comparative terms, it is slightly smaller than the island nation of Fiji. Kuwait has about 500 kilometers (310 miles) of coastline along the Persian Gulf. It borders on Iraq to the north and west, and Saudi Arabia to the south. The Kuwaiti landscape is a flat desert plain. Only 0.28% of the land is planted in permanent crops, in this case, date palms. The country has a total of 86 square miles of irrigated cropland. Kuwaits highest point doesnt have any particular name, but it stands 306 meters (1,004 feet) above sea level. Climate Kuwaits climate is a desert one, characterized by hot summer temperatures, a short, cool winter, and minimal rainfall. Annual rainfall averages between 75 and 150 mm (2.95 to 5.9 inches). Average high temperatures in the summer are a toasty 42 to 48 °C (107.6 to 118.4 °F). The all-time high, recorded on July 31, 2012, was 53.8 °C (128.8 °F), measured at Sulaibya. This is also the record high for the entire Middle East. March and April often witness large dust storms, which sweep in on the northwesterly winds from Iraq. Thunderstorms also accompany the winter rains in November and December. Economy Kuwait is the fifth richest country on Earth, with a GDP of $165.8 billion US, or $42,100 US per capita. Its economy is based primarily on petroleum exports, with the major recipients being Japan, India, South Korea, Singapore, and China. Kuwait also produces fertilizers and other petrochemicals, engages in financial services, and maintains an ancient tradition of pearl diving in the Persian Gulf. Kuwait imports almost all of its food, as well as most products from clothing to machinery. Kuwaits economy is quite free, compared with its Middle Eastern neighbors. The government is hoping to encourage the tourism and regional trade sectors to reduce the countrys dependence on oil exports for income. Kuwait has known oil reserves of about 102 billion barrels. The unemployment rate is 3.4% (2011 estimate). The government does not release figures for percent of the population living in poverty. The countrys currency is the Kuwaiti dinar. As of March 2014, 1 Kuwaiti dinar $3.55 US. History During ancient history, the area that is now Kuwait was often a hinterland of more powerful neighboring areas. It was linked with Mesopotamia as early as the Ubaid era, beginning roughly 6,500 BCE, and with Sumer around 2,000 BCE. In the interim, between about 4,000 and 2,000 BCE, a local empire called the Dilmun Civilization controlled the bay of Kuwait, from which it directed trade between Mesopotamia and the Indus Valley civilization in what is now Pakistan. After Dilmun collapsed, Kuwait became part of the Babylonian Empire around 600 BCE. Four hundred years later, the Greeks under Alexander the Great colonized the area. The Sassanid Empire of Persia conquered Kuwait in 224 CE. In 636 CE, the Sassanids fought and lost the Battle of Chains in Kuwait, against the armies of a new faith that had arisen on the Arabian Peninsula. It was the first move in Islams rapid expansion in Asia. Under the caliphs rule, Kuwait once again became a major trading port connected to the Indian Ocean trade routes. When the Portuguese muscled their way into the Indian Ocean in the fifteenth century, they seized a number of trading ports including the bay of Kuwait. Meanwhile, the Bani Khalid clan founded what is now Kuwait City in 1613, as a series of small fishing villages. Soon Kuwait was not only a major trade hub but also a legendary fishing and pearl diving site. It traded with various parts of the Ottoman Empire in the 18th century and became a shipbuilding center. In 1775, the Zand Dynasty of Persia laid siege to Basra (in coastal southern Iraq) and occupied the city. This lasted until 1779 and greatly benefited Kuwait, as all of Basras trade got diverted to Kuwait instead. Once the Persians withdrew, the Ottomans appointed a governor for Basra, who also administered Kuwait. In 1896, tensions between Basra and Kuwait reached a peak, when the sheik of Kuwait accused his brother, the emir of Iraq, of seeking to annex Kuwait. In January 1899, the Kuwaiti sheik, Mubarak the Great, made an agreement with the British under which Kuwait became an informal British protectorate, with Britain controlling its foreign policy. In exchange, Britain held off both the Ottomans and the Germans from interfering in Kuwait. However, in 1913, Britain signed the Anglo-Ottoman Convention just before the outbreak of World War I, which defined Kuwait as an autonomous region within the Ottoman Empire, and the Kuwaiti sheiks as Ottoman sub-governors. Kuwaits economy went into a tailspin in the 1920s and 1930s. However, oil was discovered in 1938, with its promise of future petrol-riches. First, however, Britain took direct control of Kuwait and Iraq on June 22, 1941, as World War II erupted in its full fury. Kuwait would not gain full independence from the British until June 19, 1961. During the Iran/Iraq War of 1980-88, Kuwait supplied Iraq with massive amounts of aid, fearful of Irans influence after the Islamic Revolution of 1979. In retaliation, Iran attacked Kuwaiti oil tankers, until the US Navy intervened. Despite this earlier support for Iraq, on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein ordered the invasion and annexation of Kuwait. Iraq claimed that Kuwait was actually a rogue Iraqi province; in response, a US-led coalition launched the First Gulf War and ousted Iraq. Retreating Iraqi troops took revenge by setting fire to Kuwaits oil wells, creating enormous environmental problems. The emir and the Kuwaiti government returned to Kuwait City in March of 1991 and instituted unprecedented political reforms, including parliamentary elections in 1992. Kuwait also served as the launchpad for the US-led invasion of Iraq in March of 2003, at the start of the Second Gulf War.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Advantage and disadvantage of GPS Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Advantage and disadvantage of GPS - Essay Example The use of the GPS systems and the panic buttons allow the users to be safe and find help more easily than a mobile (McNamara, 2008). c) The GPS systems ensure that the person is never lost. The GPS receivers can compare the time the signal was transmitted by the satellite and the time it was received (McNamara, 2008). The difference in time would provide the GPS receiver with details as to how far the satellite is. The receiver can also use the distance measurements from a few more satellites which would provide for the user’s position and can be displayed on the electronic map of the unit. This can ensure that no matter where the person is, it would be impossible to lose the way (Letham & Letham, 2008). Apart from the abovementioned advantages, the GPS Systems also helps in simplifying the daily lives of many people across the world with features like ‘search nearby’ and cellular based tracking as well. Overall the system is very effective and helpful, especially in the current times where there is a high need to have complete mobility and ability to find places around more easily and effectively (Letham & Letham, 2008). However the use of GPS systems does pose a number of disadvantages as well. These will be discussed in the next section. As seen there are a number of advantages of using the GPS systems. However there is also a great possibility of failure of the system. This can cause a number of issues, especially if the user is completely dependent on the systems (McNamara, 2008). There is also the issue of not being completely updated and this can cause the systems to be off the accurate path to some extent. Also while travelling on the highways or within cities, if the destination is changed during the travel, the time taken to recalculate the route takes a little time. This can lead to missing a turn, or exit. Also with the various GPS system providers that are available in the markets, there are a number of companies with terrible
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
The perception as a heart of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The perception as a heart of art - Essay Example This research will be required philosophy of art and aesthetics inside artwork as well as the scholastic discussion, which relate with visual perception, cognitive science and cognitive psychology outside artwork, and some experiments composed of ongoing low-relief canvas work and others, which can provide diverse features of surface. Through this methodology, It will be questioned what is the position of artwork and medium as a visual signifying process and how this 'documental surface' can be reflected into the two-dimensional artwork. Art has been a focal point for a variety of cultures since the history of time. It is an expression of how a race or a group of people perceive themselves in relation with the world around them. In this context, an important premise remains the fact that art is born from within and from influences that come from the outside. This paper is based on the fact that western culture has had an immense influence on the way art is perceived. A bench in a park well reveals the relation between simple visual response and recognition. Although this is actually made of stone, with a texture, color, pattern and other characteristics of real wood, it can be perceived as a wooden chair. Therefore, in some points of view, perceiving something as a wooden is taking the 'documental surface' 1 connected to internal value of wood. This pattern of accepting process converted with visual and perceptible feature generally and flexibly at the same time. Similarly, they indicate how artworks have been applying to the limitation, which has similarity between making and recognizing artwork. Recently noticeable thing is that certain interactional participation is distinguishing in this kind of visual specialty. These positions can be exemplified by the following premises. Conventionalizing information such as image, event and phenomena visually is natural formulation, and it appears characteristic connected to the conventional process and method. Additionally, these information are accepted by diverse medium which can observe something instead of direct eye and can be explained better by 'external characteristics' 2 of media itself. Lastly, these two features- conventionalization of information and surface feature of media compositely participate in making artwork and conversely interact as well. Background of Study It is said that the way something is built has a large bearing on how it is perceived. In the case of art, the use of mass media has accentuated the play of technology to the extent that the very way that an art form is conceptualised depends on the factors that are a part of the culture surrounding it. Since 1985, the play of mass media has begun on a note that has created the scope to create art beyond what has been seen in the conventional sense. The rise of technology has been accentuated by the west. Technology has come from the west and is associated with the west. Thus, an important premise here is that most of world sees western culture as an amalgamation of technology along with an ethic that is associated with the same. (Brown, 2005; P 2 - 6) Communication forms in the form of electronic, print and other media has had a major role in
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Enrollment System Essay Example for Free
Enrollment System Essay Enrollment is the focus of the Compfuturist that would lessen the institution’s difficulties in their Information System processing, solve data problems and an easier access of the establishment’s information. Every enrollment, 80-100 enrollees come for the dates of admission having a maximum of 30 for each level, in present time classrooms are consist of 15 students. An easier recording of files and a database to save documents will lessen the space being occupied by the records of the students. A faster transaction, easier ways for inputting datum and a convenient ways for saving files are offered for the use of the establishment by the enrolment system. The commonly used advertisements of schools are brochures, leaflets, banners and calling cards; the group also offers a website that will be used to improve its approach to people. The website would be a help for parents about the notice or updates of events and gatherings, it would also be a way to know the history of the institution and the contact details of the establishment. The incomplete requirements are the main problems during the enrollment, one of which is the student information, some of the information needed is not filled up and some are important to the school records. In the Pre-School it is required for them to have the copy of their birth certificate, two (2) copies of a 22 photo and an interview with the Pastor or Principal. For the grade-schoolers a photocopy of the birth certificate, the form 138, a certificate of Good Moral Character for transferee and an interview with the Pastor or Principal. Due to the uninformed people about the requirements needed some are not brought and are filed to be uncompleted forms. Each student has a folder that contains his or her information about the birth certificates, previous records from the earlier institution he or she attended, the quality point average for each year and also the permits signed by the parents. Enrollment takes time and effort from the parents, students and also from the teachers; every step of an enrolment, a teacher is assigned to instruct a parent or guardian what to do and where to go next. The slow process of enrolment makes the parents furious and makes the job even harder for the teachers for them to rush, that sometimes some records are not being filed or are not properly assigned. Missing documents are also a cause of problem for the institution, it might be placed to another folder or the parent forgot about it. A school’s updates about events and gatherings are the problems for teachers and parents. Students forget to tell their guardians or forgot to give the letter accustomed by their advisers. The result of the forgotten events cause students not to wear the proper attire, parents does not attend meetings and gatherings, students are thought to be absent for specific happenings and also parents become indignant about the unknown proceedings. Project Framework The Compfuturist Group offers the instituion. a system and a website that would shoulder the difficulties of the institution. The school appoints teachers to handle the student information during the enrollment. Software that is specially made only for Mabalacat Christian Academy and a website that would help the advertisement of the school increase. The system can only be open by an authorized member or the principal of the institution. Passwords and accounts would be made for the privacy policy made by the institution to safeguard each student’s information and background. The Student Information Sheet or Form would consist of the basic details about his or her family, previous schools the child attended, number of siblings, if there were awards he or she got from previous levels, address, contact number of the parent or guardian and more information that are to be filled by the guardian. An option will be given to the parent or guardian if the transaction of payment would be a full payment or a partial payment every quarter and a choice to have it paid through cash or cheque. A database would be given with a maximum capacity of 300 and a number of 50 students per level. A website would be provided for the institution that would only be used for the use of the school’s advertisement, featuring the facilities of the establishment, faculty members, and history of the school and updates of happenings. The page would be the source of parents to be updated to the school’s events; when, where and what to wear. Specific events require students to wear a garment requested by the institution for uniformity. The page can also be a source and guide for parents and guardians to know the details and history about the school. Contact details would be posted and an added detail of the page is that if parents are working abroad they could send the uncompleted requirement to the email of the school with attachment of the requirements. The Facebook page of the institution is also posted to the website and could be directed to the page created by the faculty members of the school. Statement of Objective Website and Enrollment System is a program extended to Mabalacat Christian Academy, a program that would make the transactions of requirements and documents, and also help about the school’s reputation about the improvement of its ways. It could solve the problems of the school since it started; the system only solves the problem of the school paperworks and will lessen the space of the documented files. The System is a program that would make the process of filing student information faster and easier to save for the school. The enrollment system’s purpose is to give a database for the files of students, a maximum of 300 files for the whole institution and an easier way of searching student files. A transaction that would make the access of information system easier for the authorized people, a faster accessibility in information provided and an improved process; the admission and acceptance of enrolees would be faster for the completion of forms would not be difficult for teachers to save and keep. The Website will inform the parents of the situations, cancellation of classes, school events, PTA meeting schedules, examination dates and payment dues. An account will be given to the principal or school head to access the student accounts and website if changes are to be made, the account given to the principal can also be used to check the number of students enrolled and to what level they are assigned to Importance of the Study The Compfuturist created a system only from Pre-School to Elementary levels and for an institution with one section per level, the system subjects only to the enrollment, saving and filing of documents and the postage of contact details of the institution. The use of the program is to lessen the burden of alphabetizing envelopes for each level and student, it also makes the search of a student file faster compared to the manual based of searching through metal drawers. A database that would show and save documents for specific purposes and privacy of files will be kept and safe from others to see. Only the Principal and the appointed faculty or member of the institution could access the information system of the database provided by the system. The institution would benefit from the free system that could be used for years and less updates of program would be given for the system is only for the use of Mabalacat Christian Academy. Parents and students would also benefit from it because information given from the old students will not be inputted again but be moved to the folder that consists of the level he or she is. The editing and adding of details is convenient even to those people who are not good in using computers. Less stressing and easier to use, is the way that the program or system offers to its benefactors. Radio buttons, scroll bars and more features of the program and website would be given to lessen the difficulty that some encounters in web pages and softwares. A free ten (10) months of maintenance is given for the institution and would make things better compared to the existing manual system.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Compare and Contrast Germany and America :: Germany Europe North America Essays Culture
Compare and Contrast Germany and America Europeans and Americans have much more in common than most people think, making adjustments to life in a new country easier. Many customs are similar to practices in the United States. Germans have their own way of being German. Germany is a relatively small and densely populated country. Unlike the United States, which is a large, densely populated country. The greatest shock to Americans is the speed at which Germans drive. The roads and freeways are quite narrow. Speed limits in cities are strictly enforced, but on much of the Autobahn there is no limit on how fast drivers can go. Although it is against the law, impatient Germans may also tailgate at high speeds and/or flash their headlights when they want to pass your vehicle. If you are driving for the first time in Germany, keep right. Left lanes are for passing only. Unlike when you are driving in America; Americans tend to travel in the lane that is meant for passing and the faster drivers. Americans tend to think â€Å" I am going the speed limit, so I am going to stay in the left lane†, the Germany way of thinking is that if you are not passing anyone or if you are going too slow, your car needs to be in the right hand lane. Unlike in the United States, train travel is a German way of life. You can get on at train at any bahnhof (train station) and travel to any destination in Europe you would like. The Germans use the train as their main mean of travel due to pollution and the inflated gas prices. Americans tend to use the automobile as our main mean of travel more than we should. Nobody likes to wait in line – especially the German people, who seem to have to do it more often than Americans. Even normally courteous Germans may elbow their way ahead if you don't stand your ground. It's not unusual to get bumped by a "tailgating" shopping cart. Keep smiling; it is just the German way of life. It's usual to greet others when walking into a waiting room, small business or train compartment. A simple Guten Tag or, in southern Germany, Gruess Gott, is in order.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Mockingjay Book Review Essay
Imagine the cruelest form of a dictatorship you can think of, randomly selecting two young and innocent children per state from their families and friends. This is the corrupt and power-obsessed capitol. The capitol forces 24 children, 2 from each district to get put into an arena where they must violently fight to the death; there are 12 districts. This is called the hunger games, a â€Å"celebration†rather than a punishment to remember the 13th district that attempted to overrule the capitol, therefore, destroyed. The treacherous and notorious hunger games are nationally televised to all the districts as a lesson and are an amazing and honorable task to the people of the capitol. When Katniss Everdeen’s sister is randomly selected, Katniss takes her place in the games and wins. She is then reselected back into the games the next year and forcefully taken against her will in a surprise attack during the games into what is now known as the surviving district 13. In the final book of the trilogy, Mockingjay, starts off where Katniss is then taken into the underground District 13, a secret remaining district which is grouping together as rebels to fight against the capitol. Mockingjay has captured thousands of audiences ranging from kids, teenagers, and adults. Mockingjay has an unexpected turn in fate when most of the trilogies fans expect to finally see Katniss in freedom from the games and to find her romantic life where she can live in happiness and peace. When she becomes the rebel’s leader and emblem in district 13, it’s unexpected when she is soon found to be trapped in the evil and manipulative ways of government type control again. The capitol had used a televised, violent, and an effective show of the hunger games to prove to the world how much power and control they had over everyone else, and to threaten others so that they will not try and regain strength against the capitol again. Now, districts 13’s rebels are trying to overrule the capitol by using the same savage like strategies. They are creating videos of their rebellious actions and uprisings and televising them as well for more supporters. Soon enough, Katniss realizes she has fallen into the manipulation of another group again, and is causing just as much anger, pain. Sacrifice, and war as the capitol themselves were. This book is as popular and similar in fiction, style, and audience as some of the greatest fiction stories in the world such as, â€Å"Harry Potter†, â€Å"The Chronicles of Narnia†, and the â€Å"Twilight†trilogy. They all take place in a separate fantasy world where its evil vs. the good incorporated with the usual romance affairs. The nasty tracker jackers that take over memoires and change them so people forget who they are, the beautiful jabberjays, so entrancing yet evil by projecting the screams of your loved ones being tortured. Katniss as the main character of course is like Harry Potter, or Bella. She is brave, important, bossy, skillful, intelligent, logical, swift, humorous, thoughtful, caring, independent and sympathetic. Her personality traits are amazing as well as her physical, she is enchanting and beautiful. Her looks are mesmerizing when she rides across the arena in her carriage and dress on fire. She is the girl on fire, the fierce and brave girl who started it all by saving her younger sister. The story is dark and twisted, yet mind grabbing, and fascinating. Its gruesome and detailed events are disturbing but so thrilling and adventurous you can’t seem to stop reading this famous and loved trilogy.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
IP Addresses Classes and Special Essay
Use IP Address Space In a computer network internet protocol is used for communication, to each device such as printers and computers a numerical label called an IP (Internet Protocol) Address is assigned. There are two functions of an IP Address a host or network interface identification, and also provides a location addressing. The basic elements of a network are the IP Address and Subnet Mask. There is also switching and routing which after you connect devices to switches and routers, data packets can be moved across the network. The Internet Protocol Version 4 (known as IPv4) is a protocol highly used even today, this IP Address consist of a 32-bit number in decimal or binary in four parts. In 1995 Internet Protocol Version 6 (known as IPv6) was created due to a high growth of the Internet, and the reduction of available IP addresses. IPv6 consist of a 128-bit number for addresses, in 1998 IPv6 was standardized as RFC 2460 and since the mid-2000’s has been used. Stored in text files and displayed as a readable notation IP Addresses are started as binary numbers, before their put out in readable form for individuals. Subnet short for Sub-network was not present in 1969 the classes of A – E did not exist yet. There were only 254 distinct networks with each network having a max of 16,777,214 IP addresses, because the first 8 bits for network part are standard reserved. Network Classes were developed in 1981. 16,777,214 IP addresses can be placed in 24 bits for host address, with this on the horizon developers found that they had to partition IP addresses. This partition had to be done in a way so we can have different sizes of a network. Different sizes of network bits eventually created different classes of networks, known today as Class A, Class B, and Class C. This solved the issue with the classes, but with little information given we still needed to identify what is the network class. In octets Class A (network bit 8 host bit 24) always between 0-127, Class B (network bit 16 host bit 16) between 128-191, Class C (network bit 24 host bit 8) between 192-224, Class D (network and host bit not defined) between 225-239, and Class E (network and host bit not defined) between 240-255. References: Understanding IP Address and Subnet Mask Microsoft Tech.Net
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Database Design P1, M1 D1 Essays
Database Design P1, M1 D1 Essays Database Design P1, M1 D1 Essay Database Design P1, M1 D1 Essay Database is a topographic point to hive away tonss of informations. conceive of it as a elephantine practical filling cabinet that can be organized in many ways. There’s package called ( DBMS ) which stands for database direction system which allows the user to pull off informations in database such as ; create. delete or update. Entities Entities are objects with important mass and intent. in database entities are tabular arraies. Every tabular array contains many fields/attributes. The user must make a tabular array before inputting any informations. When making a tabular array you need to specify a few things. informations type. Fieldss name A ; a description. William claude dukenfields Name This is a column header. this will expose the rubric for the column etc foremost name. last name. reference. Data Type This is the content of the information A ; the informations type decides what content can be inputted A ; the file size. Description This is used to explicate the content A ; shows a list of limitations’ the user can alter to acquire a more accurate reading etc. input mask. Properties A characteristic. for illustration ; a field has many properties such as informations like Numberss or letters. Properties can be used as a equivalent word for a field . In DOS systems. each files has an property. each file has many belongingss that shows if the file is read only . seeable or encrypted. Questions A question is usage for seeking some particular record. It allow user to put conditions and so seek the record which match the conditions. User besides is able to do the hunt mix up with other tabular array and screen the order of the consequence. Reports A Report is a sum-up of record. Everything you plain to publish should set indoors. Its intent is for user to see information rapidly and easy so expose the consequence merely and expeditiously is the chief point. Forms Form is used for collect and edits information and transportations them to postpone. It is similar to application signifiers that allow user to make full in or cancel their informations easy and it besides able to allow user design ain user interface. User can infix as much control as they like to construct the user interface attractively. Relationships Relationship types Database relationships are really similar in that they’re associations between tabular arraies. There are three types of relationships: One-to-one: both tabular arraies of the relationship have one field that matches up. for illustration ; a married twosome that both have a kid that has no relation to the other spouse. This seldom of all time happens in a concern organisation One-to-many: one-to-many is where 1 tabular array has none/one or many dealingss with the other table’s Fieldss but the other tabular array has merely none/one field. For illustration. you have merely one female parent. but your female parent may hold several kids. Many-to-many: Both tabular arraies have one/many dealingss to each other’s Fieldss. Normally in this case there are normally 3 tabular arraies. Benefits The benefits of holding databases online are that it’s easier A ; quicker to make. The sum of paper saved amp ; room is really good. Its quicker A ; easier for the user to happen of import informations in the database. The user can do signifiers to happen amp ; read information easier. The user can put regulations to do the information input more accurate A ; legit. You can salvage the information on multiple storage units ( difficult thrusts ) So if the information has been tampered with. there’s ever a trim transcript someplace safe. Undertaking 2 Primary key The primary key of a relational tabular array uniquely identifies each property in the tabular array. Primary keys could be a alone property such as social security number for a individual or pupil etc. Primary keys may dwell of a individual property or multiple properties in combination. Primary keys connect tables together in relationships Referential unity There is a characteristic with databases called relational database direction systems ( RDBMS’s ) that prevents users or applications from come ining inconsistent informations. Most RDBMS’s have referential unity regulations that you can use when you create a relationship between two entities. For illustration. say Table B has a foreign key that points to a field in Table A. Referential unity would forestall you from adding a record to Postpone B that can non be linked to Postpone A. In add-on. if I deleted a property in table A. if it is linked to postpone B. the information that is linking both properties will be deleted. This is called cascading delete. Finally. the referential unity regulations could stipulate that whenever you modify the value of a linked field in Table A. all records in Table B that are linked to it will besides be modified consequently. This is called cascading update. D1: Analyse Potential Mistakes in the Design A ; Construction of a Database and explicate how these can be avoided There are many common mistakes that could happen while utilizing database. it’s of import to understand how these common mistake go on amp ; what causes them. Omission of records A ; Fieldss Deleting of import records A ; Fieldss go on rather normally. it’s caused by the user or by accident. If this does go on its ever safe to cognize there is a transcript of the informations saved someplace else in instance this happens. It’s good to hold a refresh back up clip for 1 hr so every hr. the information renews itself. Human mistake leads to corruptness or loss of Fieldss so to guarantee this doesn’t go on it would be best to put administrative rights to the right users so merely the right people can redact or cancel Fieldss. if the incorrect people try to utilize the database. an mistake or watchword will be shown. Making more than 1 transcript of the information is wise merely in instance something happens to the first transcript. Incorrect informations types To diminish the opportunities of acquiring wrong informations types in database. its best to set input masks on the Fieldss. This stops wrong informations being imputed on informations signifiers like sign-up sheets. It’s besides wise to hold multiple pick inquiries A ; drop down bill of fare ; this makes it more accurate to acquire right informations. Using bead down bill of fare makes it easier A ; quicker for the user to acquire a positive A ; effectual informations consequences. By utilizing the bead down bill of fare A ; multiple pick inquiries. it ensures right spelling A ; grammar of of import information. Validation To guarantee the information is imputed clean A ; correct you need to utilize proof regulations. This is done by puting regulations in the design position where the user can put what informations can be imputed A ; what is invalid. An effectual tool is the limit checker where the user can put a bound to the sum of characters that can be imputed into the database. Scope cheques are effectual to guarantee etc. birthdays. it sets the month from 1-12 A ; has a set scope to when the individual was born etc. 1950-2014 ( we are presently on 2014 so I don’t need to widen the scope ) . Grammar cheques are at that place to do certain the information isn’t misspelt. it besides makes personal information A ; letters easier to bring forth. There’s a regulation that can be set up on database that checks the inputted informations for any wrong information. if it finds something incorrect. an mistake message will start up A ; notify the user. Nothing Valuess Null values is similar to proof in where the user needs to input informations A ; there are a set of regulations to guarantee the user inputs the correct/legitimate informations nevertheless void values are shown when no information has been inputted into a specific textbox. An mistake message will start up if no information is put into a specific field. this regulation is normally put on by the user as when get downing database. you get a batch of clean Fieldss. This regulation is utile for Fieldss that need informations in them such as personal details . bank details etc. If the user doesn’t type in anything into the textbox A ; chinks accept or enter an mistake message will start up advising the user about the void values. The boxes with mistakes are marked otherwise to the textboxes without mistakes. this is to clearly place where the mistake is A ; makes its easier A ; quicker for the user to decide.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
8 Red Flags Employers See on Your Resume
8 Red Flags Employers See on Your Resume Do you send out lots of resumes and never hear back? Recruiters watch for certain items on a resume and, if you have any of those on yours, that might be the reason. Considering recruiters tend to spend under five minutes to look a resume over, according to the Society for Human Resource Management, what an individual puts on a resume is important. A few resume tips on what to do when applying for a job may help.  1. Your Resume is Obviously RecycledIf you’re one of those individuals who sends out the same resume for every job application, you shouldn’t be surprised if you don’t hear anything back. Read the posting carefully and write your resume and cover letter toward that particular job. Include your relevant experience and how you would be an asset to the company. Otherwise, your application may be destined for the bottom of the pile. Recruiters say that it is surprising how many job applications have no relevance to the job. 2. Your Resume is Too FlashyUnless you are applying for a job as an artist or graphic designer, over-embellishing your resume may backfire on you. Employers are looking for workers who are qualified for the job, and recruiters aren’t going to spend much time trying to figure out when and where you worked when they have to wade through decorative fonts, colors and other unnecessary decorations. 3. Your Email Address is Not ProfessionalWhile the email address you use may on a regular basis might be something you consider cute or original, such as, the recruiter might not find it amusing. If an applicant has this type of email address, it is a better idea to create a new email with an address that won’t be perceived as frivolous or suggestive. 4. You Have Spelling and Grammatical ErrorsPoor spelling and grammar are noticed by recruiters and can make a recruiter discount your application. This also counts for social media postings. Take a moment before sendi ng off your cover letter and resume to spell check, and make sure that everything is correct. Do the same for your social media posts. 5. You Omit DatesWhile it may be easier for an individual to leave out dates it may seem suspicious to recruiters. This could mean there are gaps in employment history or that an individual changed jobs frequently. If you have a long history and great credentials, it may be less important. 6. Your Information is OutdatedWhen an individual does not update a resume when it is necessary, all the information may not be correct. While he or she might add a new job to the list, forgetting to check the current phone number and address is sometimes overlooked. Recruiters say it isn’t unusual to send an email to an applicant and have it returned or call and find out the phone number is different. 7. You’ve Changed Jobs FrequentlyThose who show frequent job changes are not likely to be looked upon favorably by recruiters. While worker s do change jobs more often than in the past, too frequent a change may be a red flag for recruiters. If an individual stays on a job less than two years, it might make that worker more likely to be overlooked for another individual with longer time at one job. 8. You Don’t Use Bullet Points on Your ResumeRecruiters like resumes that get right to the point, and the use of bullet points makes that easier to do. Sometimes, a lack of bullet points is accompanied by a resume that is far too long. Try to keep a resume under two pages, and use bullet points to focus on what you did to be an asset at your earlier jobs. Be specific. Looking for a new job can be easier if an individual is careful to ensure that a resume is prepared well. Searching for a job can also be easier by using a job search site to do exactly that. Sign up for our job match alert, and TheJobNetwork lets you list your qualifications and job interests and then does a 24-hour search for jobs matching that description.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Inequality and Poverty Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Inequality and Poverty - Essay Example Bishop and Amiel (2007) assert that there is poverty in the majority of the world nations and its people. However, it is not enough to blame people for such predicaments, claiming that they are lazy or made poor decisions which are responsible for their plight. The government has pursued some policies which hamper successful development. Causes of inequality and poverty are in doubt but are more and deeper causes of poverty which are less discussed. Behind the increased interconnectedness which is promised by globalization are practices, policies and global decisions. Such are influenced, formulated, or driven by the powerful and the rich, or rather can be leaders from rich countries and other global actors like institutions, influential people and multinational corporations. However, in the face of such external influences, the government of the poor nations and their people are powerless and as a result, few get wealthy, while the majority struggle with their poor lives. Most of th e people live on just a few dollars a day, and it does not matter if one lives in the wealthiest nations or poorest, one will still notice the high levels of inequality. The poor people have less access to health, education and other basic services that are important in their lives. Problems of disease, malnutrition, and hunger afflict the poor people in the society. Additionally, the poor people are also marginalized from the society and have little representation or voice in political and public debates, which makes it harder for them to escape from poverty. In contrast, the richer you are, the more likely you benefit from political and economic policies. The amount of money the world spends on financial and military bailouts and other areas which benefits the richer is compared to the amount that is spent to address the daily crisis of poverty and other related problems (Jenkins, 2007). The Cutbacks in education, social services and health around the world results for the adjustm ent structural policies by the World Bank and International Monetary Fund as conditions for repayment and loans. To add to this, developing governments are required to open their economies in order to compete with more established and powerful industrialized nations. To attract poor countries and investment, they have entered into a competition to find out who can provide cheaper resources, reduced wages, and attract investment. This has increased inequality and poverty for most people. To add to this, it also forms a backbone of what is we call globalization and as a result, it maintains the unequal historic rules of trade (Bishop & Amiel, 2007). Around the world, in poor or rich nations, poverty has always been present. In all most all nations, the inequality, meaning the gap between the poor and the rich is widening and quite high. The causes are also numerous, including bad government policy, exploitation by businesses and people with influence and power, lack of responsibility or a combination of such factors. Many individuals feel that the high levels of inequality affects the social cohesion, which leads to problems like violence and crime. Bishop and Amiel (2007) assert that inequality is often a measure of poverty that is usually relative. However, absolute poverty is also a matter of concern,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Standardized Terminology in Nursing Practice Research Paper
Standardized Terminology in Nursing Practice - Research Paper Example The 514 NIC interventions will usually be found arranged in thirty classes and seven domains. The terminology is often used along with the development of electronic health records, (EHRs) (Cordova et. al., 2010). Other nursing terminologies include the Nursing Outcomes Classification, (NOC) and Standardized Nursing Diagnoses (NANDA). None of the above nursing taxonomies however have been included in a system of health information that considers the entire care that nurses provide to patients. NIC is advantageous over the other terminologies since its link to Systematized Nomenclature of Medicine (SNOMED) proves more important because of its ease of comprehensibility and more controlled vocabulary for biomedical sciences (Cordova et. al., 2010). This mapping integrates the NIC with other healthcare disciplines and is used in more than twenty-five countries. The NIC can also be closely related to the international method for classifying nurses, which is a base for providing a common st ructure for nursing interventions, diagnoses and outcomes. It was developed to determine the nursing costs based on interventions that have undergone standardization. The NIC terminology provides a foundation for capturing a valid measure of the nursing workload (Cordova et. al., 2010). The nature of nursing would require that the nurse engage in the care of a patient from the less complicated outpatient routines to the invasive hemodynamic procedures. The nursing process underpins nursing in five inter-related and recurrent stages: data gathering, planning, implementation and examination. The application of this process has enabled the use of standard language for the major practise situations, which are diagnosis, results and interventions (Herdman & NANDA International, 2011). The interest in using standardized language during nursing became deeper when the NANDA’s classification for nursing diagnoses developed. The
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Product Campaign Plan Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Product Campaign Plan - Research Paper Example Over the past two decades, there has been an increased number of Japanese restaurants in the US with the numbers more than doubling and the business environment becoming increasingly competitive. The 2010 Jetro Japanese Restaurants trends have shown that Japanese restaurants in the period 2005 to 2010 have increased by 54.8% (1). Furthermore, Lim (2) in his study acknowledges that increasingly over the past years American customers have come to appreciate Japanese food, and most specifically its famous sushi dishes. Such resign appreciation for the Japanese food and the increasing number of Japanese restaurants implies that Japanese restaurants will have to operate effectively within the growing competitive environment to be profitable. For Miyagi, one of the highly rated Japanese restaurants in Mclean VA, the need to be efficient and competitive in a changing environment is even greater if it is to retain its top spot in the region. Miyagi is a family-owned Japanese restaurant in Mclean VA, with the restaurant having been founded in the late 1980s, according to Lei a waitress in Miyagi, after the family immigrated to the US. The restaurant serves Japanese meals such as sushi, to the widely diverse population in Mclean region. However, based on observation, the ratio of Japanese vs. other residents frequenting the restaurant as compared to the ratio of the Japanese vs. other residents in Mclean VA region is higher. While the population in the region is 38929 residents that have different race backgrounds, Japanese population in the region are 514, presenting only 1.32% of the population and not enough market for the all Japanese restaurants in the region. This, therefore, implies Miyagi needs a campaign strategy that will elevate its prominence in the region as the place to be.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Structure, methodologies and approach towards employee satisfaction and motivation
Structure, methodologies and approach towards employee satisfaction and motivation The case study traces over Volkswagen, (South Africas) organization overview highlighting the structure, methodologies and approach towards employee satisfaction and motivation. The entire backdrop of the case study is about Volkswagens internal organizational behaviour, management practices and their effective implementation. In this context, the assignment is focussed initially on the innovatory measures suggesting right direction to retain workforce allegiance and devotion towards an organization. Volkswagen is amongst the few organizations believed to produce world class automobiles, and stands out distinguish, hence the responsibility and related degree of expectations are higher. Considering the competitive environment, todays employee is intelligent yet demanding and hence it has become more complicated to meet their target expectations. The management of VW (SA) is diligently engaged to resolve the issues pertaining to employees financial stability, professional progression, compensations and benefits, challenging and highly equipped surrounding. In extension to this the company has tremendously transformed its cultural values. The introductory part elaborates the management and organizational behaviour practices of VW (SA), discussing the primary objectives, present situation and future prospects determining specific goals. Employee motivation is essential to keep progressive functioning of an organization. The intermediate portion of the assignment is emphasized on the significance of employee incitement and motivational procedures by discussing four substantial theories of workforce motivation and critical analysis of Volkswagen (SAs) initiatives towards employee motivation strategies. The later part concentrates on the importance of co-workers to amalgamate and function as a single unit. Team work introduces a healthy culture that values collaborative efforts and the team firmly believes in thinking, planning, discussing, deciding and functioning to gether with cooperation. Team efforts with positive attitudes and correct path are inevitable to succeed. Critical discussion is based upon the conceptions and innovative ideas by which VW (SA) can ensure their teams to produce efficient synergy and higher productivity. TABLE OF CONTENTS: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. Introduction 1 2. VW (SAs) Management Organizational Behaviour 1 2.1 Overview 1 2.2 VWs Behavioural Management Practice 1 (i) In Context of Behavioural Management Theories 2 2.3 VWs Organizational Environment Practice 2 (i) In Context of Organizational Environment Theories 3 3. Motivation 3 3.1 Theories of Motivation 4 3.2 Analyzing VWs Employee Motivation Strategy 5 (i) Structuring Remuneration Package and Benefits 5 (ii) Stipulating Fundamental Equipment 6 (iii) Leadership Training and Development 6 (iv) Open Lines of Communication 7 (v) Professional Content and Indemnity 7 (vi) Company Values 8 (vii) Service Excellence Culture 8 4. Definition of a Proficient Team 9 4.1 Team Contribution to Enhance Productivity 9 (i) Credence on the Leadership 9 (ii) Solidarity of the Members 10 (iv) Articulate Objective 10 (v) Colloquial Ambiance Group Participation 10 (vi) Dissolving Perplexity 10 (vii) Constructive Criticism 10 5. Methods to Ensure VWs (SA) Labour Efficiency 10 5.1 Appropriate Selection 11 5.2 Specifying Codes of Conduct 11 5.3 Establish Substantial Goals 11 5.4 Praise and Appreciation 11 5.5 Developing Sense of Direction 11 5.6 Building Team Spirit 11 5.7 Employee Empowerment 12 6. Conclusive Remarks 12 7. Bibliography 13 8. Appendices 14 (i) Appendix A 14 (ii) Appendix B 14 (iii) Appendix C 15 Page # 1 1. INTRODUCTION: Modern global world is comprised companies and enterprises having highly skilled, knowledgeable, sophisticated and decisive workforce, with dramatically increasing role. Organizations performance and productivity is directly influenced by the commitment and loyalty of its employees. Todays competitive professional atmosphere has compelled the attention of the organizations to apprehend the significance of employee retention and thereby constrained them to develop strategies tailored to fulfil employee satisfaction. The sustainability of an organization is subjected to the overall periphery and circumstances which affect its growth and development. The exemplary employee oriented culture represents correct environment, challenges, individual development, recognition and accurate motivating artifice. Reconciliation of effective leadership and consistent workforce while applying the positive attitudes and correct mind set accounts for higher productivity of an organization. 2. VW (SAs) MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOUR 2.1 Overview: Volkswagen of South Africa was established in 1946, and is owned subsidiary of VW Aktiengessellschaft (VWAG) in Germany, located in Uitenhage. VW group is the worlds fourth-largest automobile manufacturer, and the largest car producer in Europe, consisting eight brands and operates 44 manufacturing facilities found in 12 European and 6 other countries in the Americas, Asia and Africa. Being aware of its prestigious affirmation in the automotive industry, the organization is focused and consistently engaged to heighten its profile. In order to achieve the desired level of productivity, internal and external customer satisfaction and indemnification has to be prioritised. VWs brilliant strategy makers have apprehended the situation and are continuously involved in developing policies for the inducement of employees to ensure their retention. 2.2 VWs Behavioural Management Practice: Employee positive or negative interaction with its organization and its management is based on the level of satisfaction. An individual is motivated to work proficiently when given appropriate Page # 2 work environment with sufficient equipment. The behaviour at work is directly affected by the overall atmosphere, the relationship with co-workers, job conditions and requirements, the remuneration package and professional stability. The management must habitually practice to evaluate and address constructively the needs and demands of its employees to gain satisfactory and productive employee behaviour. (i) In Context of Behavioural Management Theories: Behaviour analysis is the study of individual interaction with the environment and management of such behaviour is an essential element characterised to produce direct effect on the profitability of an organization. The frustrating behaviour of an employee is a clear indication of the system failure as the general workers behaviour is the reflection of the management policies. Sound policies addressing employees needs including job security, peaceful atmosphere, stipulated necessary equipment, equality and professional progression is more likely to produce the breed of workforce essential for an ongoing productive organization. Mary Parkers behavioural management theory focuses on the fact that influential leadership is the key to motivate employees and for that assessment of their job improvement capacity will benefit. A Hawthorne study highlights the importance of observing the frequency of behaviours and their outputs. An immediat e feedback on performance with sufficient information for self correction is necessary to improve functioning. VWs approach towards team building session is appreciable and is in correct direction. However, employees of today are not restricted to information instead willing to participate, share and discuss their own views and creative ideas for implementation. The worker is aware of the strengths and weaknesses relevant to the job and is the one who has excessive knowledge and command over it and hence knows how to control and improve the task. 2.3 VWs Organizational Environment Practice: Workforce of an organization is essentially compelled to work within groups where behaviour of employees may vary according to the relevant circumstances, work conditions physical or mental state. Provided the situation the environment of an organization is rooted in the behaviour of its employees. Organizational environment must be friendly, supportive and constructive by allowing the management and the common employees to discuss and share their opinions. Page # 3 Progressive organizations are inclined towards building excellent work status and valued atmosphere for their workforce in order to attain desired results. (i) In Context of Organizational Environment Theories: An organization is comprised of a group of people and resources brought together essentially for interaction and conscious coordination to acquire a common purpose or an objective. The survival of an exemplary environment is subjected to its equilibrium. There are several processes ongoing simultaneously within an organization and the major difficulty is with proposing any change of structure because once the structure is developed it deters to adapt to environmental changes. Understanding the difference between formal and informal communication becomes a difficult task for leadership. The organizational environment theories underline the internal and external relationships; external resources serve as inputs which are further processed into goods and services resulting in finished outputs in the environment. An open system is usually interacts with the environment while the closed system is self centred and usually fails to be a ccepted. VWs management is consistently working to develop a culture of excellence where freedom of speech, informal interaction, and service quality meetings can be carried out as casual practices. The concept is commendable yet challenging. The contingency theory emphasizes that the management must be flexible to react to environmental changes. Modern and technological organizations have likelihood to alter the conventional procedures rapidly, so the management must adapt to change with positive attitudes. There can be mechanistic structured organization where management is centralized at the top monitoring its employees and is stable, on the other hand organic structure of an organization is decentralized and reaching out to employees with a lesser control. Sound environment guarantees the motivated and efficient employees and leads to the higher productivity of the organization. 3. MOTIVATION: There could be a single or a set of reasons for human behaviour, engaged in certain activity for the desired outcomes, the ground for such activity is referred as Motivation. Every individual has needs and specific goals and human life is engaged in satisfying those needs and to acquire the desired goals. To attain the sense of fulfilment and feeling of achievement can be the prime motivating factors. Motivation refers to the initiation, direction, intensity and persistence of Page # 4 human behaviour Geen, (1994). Human nature can be simple yet too complex at the same time. Understanding of human nature is a pre-requisite for effective employee motivation which accounts for higher productivity. Regimentation of aims, purpose and values amongst the staff, teams and organization is the most fundamental aspect of motivation. The better the alignment and personal association with organizational aims, the better the platform for motivation. Work organizations offer a degree of satisfaction for an individual which may include financial support, social engagements, mental and physical challenges, self development, and sense of belonging and intellectual stimulation. It is said to believe that Best businesses have the best motivated workers. It has been observed that the overall productivity of an organization is increased with highly motivated employees in comparison to the organization with poorly motivated workers. 3.1 Theories of Motivation: Motivation theories are the combination of needs, inducement, goals and reinforces. Need Hierarchy Theory was put forth by Abraham Maslow, which is one of the most highly acclaimed and widely mentioned theories of motivation. He envisioned human needs according to a hierarchical structure of importance, from the lowest to highest, highlighting the five basic physiological needs, sense of security, social drives, self esteem and need of self actualization. The management must pay huge amount of attention to the needs of employees and as the needs may vary from individual to individual, hence it is essential to implement an efficient system to evaluate employees necessities and furnish feasible solutions. Herzbergs two factor theories in accordance with Maslows theory, proposed an idea that certain factors such as challenging work, responsible position and sense of recognition may contribute as prime motivators but on the other hand certain factors including desired salary, fringe benefits and appropriate environment, if absent may result as de-motivators. According to his theory as multiple goals and benefits serve as precursor of motivation, probability of de-motivation arises when perks and privileges do not exist. Page # 5 Hawthorne experiments of Elton Mayo focused on incentives, pay-cheques and financial satisfaction to be the primary motivation factor. People are motivated by pay and work conditions at higher level. Furthermore he believed that attitude of people at work are highly influenced by the groups and work environment. His theory concluded that human relations and the social needs of workers are crucial aspects of business management. Mc Rogers theory heavily emphasized on two basic kinds of managements which he categorised in Theory X and Theory Y. The management which falls under Theory X is believed to have a negative approach towards the employees considering them untrustworthy and incapable. Theory Y addresses the kind of management having faith in their employees and thereby recognising their needs positively. He concluded that managers view of the human nature is based on a certain grouping of assumptions and tends to mold their behaviour towards subordinates according to these assumptions. Numerous theories has been put forth addressing the benefits and moral value of an altruistic approach to treat colleagues and workforce as human beings and respecting their dignity in all its forms, developing a phenomenon to understand that people can never be forced to work, they will work positively only if they want to or otherwise if they are motivated. It has been observed that when an obvious likelihood is establ ished between performance and reinforcement, it leads to and maintains high levels of motivation. 3.2 Analysing VWs Employee Motivation Strategy: VW is a German manufacturer of automobiles which is the third largest car producer of the world. The name by itself indicates the value for people as Volkswagen stands for peoples car in German, (more literally, folks wagon). Within the past few years the intricacy and dynamics within and outside organisations have drastically altered. In this context, it has become prime concern of organisations to carry out future-oriented, active development which pursues an elementary goal i.e., Stand out as a winner. The organization must propose additional benefits for employees, clients and stakeholders because only then will its culture, values and products be responded to with commitment and interest. (i) Structuring Remuneration Package and Benefits: Volkswagen approach towards pay and benefits is commendable as it involves market research Page # 6 and salary surveys. There is a continuous effort behind structuring the salary packages and fringe benefits. However, there is an important aspect slightly ignored during the practice which is to involve the workforce by itself to comment on the remuneration structure thereby, visualising the basic needs and desires within the employees which in-turn will serve as a helping tool for developing effective payroll strategy by keeping in view of employees physiological needs as everyone desires to be financially secure. Payroll must be structured such that the income level of an individual well addresses the living standard. Pay scale must be determined by analysing qualification, experience and skills of the employee and must be reviewed according to the efficiency level as reported by the relevant department. While rewarding high performers, average and below average performers might feel neglected hence it is essential not just to recognise the efforts by high performers but to issue certificate of participation and non-monetary rewards to the rest, recognising their contributions and to keep them within the string. (ii) Stipulating Fundamental Equipment: Ceaseless review of the budget for essential materials and equipment is highly recommended. Necessary equipment is a pre-requisite as it enhances the work efficiency and performance level of employees thereby promoting professional satisfaction and rewarding appreciation. In absence of the required material it is imbecilic to expect efficient service by the workforce. It is appreciative that essential equipment can be furnished in accordance to a specific budget but smart management plan keeps control of the equipment handling and propose for a budget review where necessary. (iii) Leadership Training and Development: Leadership training is vigorous only when sensibly articulated into the corporate culture with its positive intents and values. Development of a leader is only focused upon an individual personal attributes, behaviour and approach whereas, leadership development is emphasized on the process unfolding interpersonal relationships, social influence process and team kinetics amongst leader and the team at the conjugation level. Volkswagens strong organizational structure do not require just managers but crave for smart leadership which is essential for workforce motivation and infusing energy in the team members. True leadership is what an ordinary employee will look up to, in order to comply with effectiveness and efficiency. A dynamic leader supports Page # 7 trains and develops his personnel, while increasing job satisfaction and genuine interest to do the job, within his team. Trusted leaders are likely to produce splendid motivating spirits.To keep people motivated, you need to display dynamic leadership, and make they feel they are working with you and not for you. Corelli (iv) Open Lines of Communication: Employees feel confident and equally responsible when they believe they are trusted. It stimulates a sense of incitement within the employees, resulting in a propitious work environment. If a supervisor or team leader approaches the workplace with a positive, upbeat attitude about the work projects, that enthusiasm should transfer to associates, thus creating a better work environment for all. Leaders and supervisors, who are serious about maintaining a productive work environment and motivating their staff to do their best, need to talk with the associates to find out what is important to them. For example, some associates may not appreciate public forms of recognition, while others will. Howell, (2000) (v) Professional Content and Indemnity: Highly trained and seasoned employee is an asset to a company. Remnant of todays face paced work environment is the increasing rate of job churn or employees switching one job to another within short time frames. Employee turnover is costly, causing workforce instability, reduced efficiency, lower effectiveness, and negative impact of the company. There could be variety of reasons in the background explaining the boredom, frustrated, discontented and least interested behaviour of the employees. Another important aspect is the lucrative job offers which tend to satisfy the needs and basic requirements but in some cases employees are looking for more than just compensation and rewards and are more inclined towards their visions and challenges. The underlying cause might differ due to the fact that humans act, think, behave and respond differently in accordance with the relevant circumstances, however, the issue remains unchanged. Volkswagen as one of the giants in the automobile busine ss world is relentlessly involved in figuring out possible solutions to this emergence. In order to retain employees it is required to offer a package that satisfies financial, intellectual and the career aspirations of an individual. Page # 8 (vi) Company Values: The value of a company represents culture, shared beliefs, attitudes, institutions, and behaviour patterns that characterize the members of an organization. Values of a company naturally emphasize continuous improvement of processes, transformation into a healthy workplace, satisfied customers, and a growing, profitable business. The level of employees commitment to their work is closely linked with the extent to which the company values are practiced. Ensure that the values of the company are strongly understood and equally treasured by the management and individual employee. Demonstrate professionalism, respect, integrity and duty as the core values of the company. According to a key quote of Harvard Business Review Companies that enjoy enduring success have core values and a core purpose that remain fixed while their business strategies and practices endlessly adapt to a changing world. (vii) Service Excellence Culture: Volkswagen is amongst the very few organization which thinks through, work diligently and proactively to create the culture that will allow the company to succeed long term. Culture is the distinctive personality of the organization which indicates its strength, by which it understands the needs of the workforce and affects the value created for the customers. Therefore, organizations make effort to understand what motivates their workforce and give them what they need to perform well by providing them clear mandates, operating principles, resources, authority, knowledge, and tools so they can fulfil their responsibilities to bring out the best of their talents and recognize by rewarding them in ways they value. Volkswagen is among such high calibre companies demonstrating successful conceptual thinking and with the ability to see patterns among seemingly diverse phenomena and thereby strengthening their employees and motivating them with positive attitude. An effective organisationa l culture enables a two way process to occur where employees help to influence the direction of the corporate values system, through their individual beliefs and approaches they adopt. A service excellence culture is that which develops a sense of responsibility and achievement together within employees, recognising their contributions and considering themselves as an integral part of the overall reputation and success of the company. Motivation can either produce profitability to an organization or improve productivity if it is Page # 9 positive, on the other hand if employees are de motivated it is more likely to reduce profit margin and will hinder overall productivity. The core vision is to encompass human behaviours, needs, attitudes and demands, as machines can operate according to the desired level and mostly produce accurate results, but considering where human beings act as a major workforce it involves a thought process based on mutual understanding in between the management and the employees. It is highly recommended to understand associates yearn and necessities and fulfilling them to some degree and thereby motivating them to produce desired results in the best interest of the organization. The summation accounts for the fact that if appropriate motivation level is maintained within an organization, the management will gain productive associates. 4. DEFINITION OF A PROFICIENT TEAM A bunch of individuals possessing particular expertise, collectively working to attain a common purpose or goal; by collaborating and consolidating their knowledge and actively participating in healthy discussions. The essence of a team work is togetherness and the success lies within its concrete leadership, which accounts for the productivity of an organization. It is well addressed that When you break down barriers, misunderstandings, prejudices, insecurities, divisions, territories and hierarchies you begin to build teams. 4.1 Team Contribution to Enhance Productivity: Firm belief in the reliability and trust upon the honesty of the members are the prerequisites of a productive team. The level of cooperation and understanding builds strong bondage between individuals. Every member of an efficient and productive team is open to support and encourage the co-workers for the completion of required task. Following are the characteristics by which teams can contribute effectively in the success of an organization. (i) Credence on the Leadership: It is essential that a high level of trust and confidence is present within the team members upon the leadership. True leader make sure that each individual of the team is equally supported, respected, privileged and heard. The amount of patience and credible efforts for keeping the team members within a string enhances acceptance and faith of the members which results in high performance. Page # 10 (ii) Solidarity of the Members: Every team member must actively participate to explicitly discuss the team procedure and functioning to attain a common goal or a sole objective. The entire team tends to share mutually agreed approach, mechanics, norms, expectations and rules to follow. The unity of team pledge for its success. (iii) Articulate Objective: The team must set clear and focused objectives and translate into well-defined concrete milestones against any measured obstacles. Larger goals and objectives are easily accessible followed by a habit of practicing a series of small wins. (iv) Colloquial Ambiance Group Participation: Environment to function effectively as a team requires being informal, homely and comfortable enough for each member to open lines of communication with ease, but must remain pertinent to the purpose of the team. This encourages bringing about creative ideas and unique concepts and gives equal freedom of speech to all. Another important aspect is that the team members become easygoing with each other and believes that everybody is equally heard and respected. (v) Dissolving Perplexity: Where there is freedom of speech confusions and disagreements are most likely to occur. Agile and intelligent teams welcome disagreements and complexities to test their brilliance and understanding. Reasons are carefully examined and a midway is figured out to resolve the issues. In case of an opposition to a general agreement, an apparent consensus is practiced for a fair outcome. (vi) Constructive Criticism: Healthy and positive criticism is highly appreciated as it provides pivotal grounds to review and evaluate critical decisions. Criticism must be arbitrary and benefaction oriented toward removing an obstacle that is hindering the way of a team to achieve goals. 5. METHODS TO ENSURE VWs (S.A.) LABOUR EFFICIENCY Intellectual management serves as a catalyst to amplify work level and overall performance of the apprentice. Volkswagen approach towards reducing maximum doing from their teams is exceptionally good. However, there are multiple measures which can add value to the existing strategy of the organization to ensure high degree of performance and matchless effectuation. Page # 11 5.1 Appropriate Selection: While selecting a candidate it is ideal to analyse the qualities complementing the job nature. Selection must be based on the relevant skills, a blend of technical, problem solving and interpersonal skills account for effective performance. A right set of people at the right place on the right time are the key for a successful team and productive organization. 5.2 Specifying Codes of Conduct: Identifying rules is necessary for developing focus, receptivity, commitment and trust. Rules must be well-defined and strictly governed without discriminating position and genders. The most crucial rules may pertain to attendance, behaviour, confidentiality, contributions, positive confrontation and end product orientation which must be set as a code of conduct. 5.3 Establish Substantial Goals: The basic starts from the fact that each and every team member has a task to achieve. It is necessary to make every individual believe that the team has significant purposes and tasks and there is high level of expectation associated with their performance. There must be a sense of worth associated with the tasks apart from being easy or difficult. A strong team is build when every member knows that they are a vital part of a significant accomplishment. 5.4 Praise and Appreciation: This is a natural urge within human beings to be praised and rewarded upon successful completion of a project or a great accomplishment. Intelligent organizations never ignore this fact and develop strategies to encourage their workforce by appreciating their efforts. 5.5 Developing Sense of Direction: This is another important aspect of team building to develop sense of direction amongst the members. The team leader or the manager must efficiently distribute tasks and provide sufficient guidance by defining responsibilities and adopting clear direction towards the common goal. 5.6 Building Team Spirit: Assign performance oriented small tasks that will allow the subordinates to grow and take on additional responsibilities. The idea generated by such challenging but achievable goals is not limited to overall productivity but to evaluate the Page # 12 mobility of potential team. This will in return enhance the spirit of the team and build an effective bond of togetherness. 5.7 Employee Empowerment: A strategy which enables employees to decide for themselves is worth giving as it develops a sense of responsibility and helps them to take charge of their work and learn from their mistakes. It is a reliable process for enabling people to contribute effectively in the continuous improvement and ongoing success of the organization. 6. CONCLUSIVE REMARKS Positive and reinforcement and correct motivational strategies are the compulsion of modern organization in which employees are completely aware of their rights and understand the significance of their roles in the productivity and profitability of an organization. The growth level heightens when the structure of the organization is concrete and is based upon specific values and contemporary culture, where an employee is empowered and actively participating in the progression of the company. Volkswagen (South Africa) has successfully managed to develop a progressive atmosphere and the management has understood the need to focus on retaining employees loyalty and commitment. The efforts and strategies of the company towards maintain their internal environment is tailored with excellence and absolu
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