Thursday, September 3, 2020
Easyjet: the Future of the Company Under Government Intervention
easyJet: The eventual fate of the organization under government mediation. Presentation Since the initiation of the aeronautics business, it has had an astonishing development with traveler development still at 14% as later as 2010 [The Economist, 2011]. For the years the flying business has been running, each flight causes a negative externality †a main driver of market disappointment. To take care of this issue of market disappointment, governments have mediated by presenting various guidelines throughout the year, to ensure the government assistance of society. Be that as it may, the externality the flight business causes can't be illuminated so just. Contamination of CO2 and NOx gasses are the negative externalities brought about by each flight, and with every day flights the harm is always raising. To beat this market disappointment in the flight business, the European Union Trading Scheme will be presented from 2012. The legislature will intercede by putting a top on the measure of gasses firms are permitted to discharge through their flights. The hypothesis of the arrangement recommends that outflows will diminish after some time and will push aircrafts to discover elective assets. What’s The Problem? Market disappointment is the term that financial experts use to depict circumstances where one individual causes costs or appreciates the advantages of another's activity [Shiell, A, 2010]. There are four principle reasons with regards to why advertise disappointment happens: Monopoly power, Public products (see Appendix An), Asymmetric data (see Appendix B) and Externalities. Inside the aircraft business, the last becomes an integral factor. Market disappointment brought about by externalities happens when a gathering that isn't associated with the dynamic (outsider) is influenced because of that choice. There is a negative overflow impact and this makes markets become wasteful and consequently come up short. Externalities are impacts of creation or utilization on outsiders where the cost doesn't take care of the full social expense. They are classed as positive (see Appendix C) or negative (see Appendix D) [Helbling, T, 2010]. It is considered that the externalities of the aircraft business have increasingly unfavorable impacts as contamination, which may prompt a diminished personal satisfaction. This issue has been additionally underscored in the wake of the consistent worries of a dangerous atmospheric devation in the media. There is likewise the issue of different externalities, for example, commotion contamination (see Appendix E), blockage (see Appendix E), and the sworn off creation as far as a dirtied region (where an air terminal is found) is probably going to influence exercises, for example, the travel industry. Negative externality brought about by showcase disappointment happens because of the market not contemplating the total social expense of an activity. As firms are benefit augmenting elements as depicted by neo old style financial aspects, they will create a more noteworthy amount of items contrasted with what is socially attractive. Taking a case of the flying business, the social expenses of the carrier completing more flights is an expansion in contamination and the arrival of other harmful gasses. Harmony Quantity 0 Price QMARKET Demand (private worth) Supply (private cost) Social expense QOPTIMUM Optimum Cost of contamination As observed by the chart, the social ideal yield level is the place the interest bend meets with the social cost bend. Be that as it may, this isn't the situation as the current harmony is beneath the ideal one, as private firms just consider private costs, making wastefulness and henceforth advertise disappointment. Chart Adopted from: Harcourt Brace ; Company. 2011). Externalities, Chapter 10. p16. There are various arrangements that can be placed into the spot so as to battle showcase disappointment. They might be private, for example, refutation and pay, or they might be executed by government. Through immediate or roundabout estimates, for example, order and control strategies or m arket based approaches, for example, Pigouvian charges. (Supplement F). The legislature had carefully surveyed the flight advertise and reasoned that there was a significant negative externality in the business. This externality brought about via air travel turned into the government’s primary worry of the business. They examined this at the Kyoto Protocol (see Appendix G) and chose to utilize order and control strategies to manage the business so as to handle the issue. There were three systems that came to fruition from the convention and the third instrument was esteemed generally essential to the flight business; the European Union Trading Scheme (EU ETS). This plan intended to be the essential technique to decrease emanations. The possibility of the EU ETS rotates around the presentation of the carbon showcase and the top and-exchange framework. This framework was presented in 2005 and started an underlying time for testing to make the business sectors foundation. During the time for testing 12,000 offices inside the EU had been put with an emanations top, they were not permitted to contaminate more than the top expressed however they were permitted to exchange these grants if in excess. The tradable attribute of these tops allowed firms the chance to make unusual benefit by selling them onto different firms that need the additional discharge license. [A. Denny Ellerman and Paul L. Joskow, 2008] The subject of much discussion has been with regards to whether governments ought to have interceded in the business. It is demonstrated that the air business just creates 2% of the all out nursery gasses in the E. U. Thusly, it is difficult to pinpoint why governments have focused on the business in the EU ETS. The EU have expressed the principle purpose behind this was to lessen discharges, at the same time, there is proof in different businesses that shows an expansion in assessments won't affect contamination. It is significant for easyJet to peruse Appendix H, as it will show that administrations may change their methodology if their present decision demonstrates insufficient. This will help easyJet realize what may be anticipated from the business later on and may likewise give the firm a case to contend of the current contamination top which might be regarded unjustifiable by privately owned businesses. The Outlook for easyJet The fundamental bearers in the UK are easyJet, Ryan air, flybe and bmibaby. They offer lower costs because of various attributes, for example, direct reserving, high seating thickness, uniform airplane types (less economies of scale on adjusting and support), the utilization of optional or less expensive air terminals and nitty gritty, for example, free food and air miles (see Appendix I for additional data). The principle selling purpose of easyJet is its low costs. With the new guidelines being actualized by 2012 (see Appendix J), use will make certain to go up yet this won't just influence the individual organization, however the air business an entirety. These frameworks set up by the Kyoto convention will make extreme changes the spending aircraft industry. The different firms should reexamine their cost structure and their marketable strategies. easyJet should evaluate what transforms it should make and how this would influence them against their rivals. So as to evaluate the commercial center, and how easyJet will be influenced, Porter’s five powers model should be inspected. It comprises of substitutes accessible in an economy, the danger of new contestants, the intensity of the client, the intensity of the provider and the danger from direct contenders. Watchman, 2008) The primary principle danger emerging because of greater expenses is that of substitute items. The firm should investigate its costs contrasted with elective methods for transport like trains. As of now, short take separations are less expensive by means of train however for a long stretch excursion it is less expensive to utilize spending carriers, as obse rved by the chart to one side. Yet, this is going to change with new guidelines to diminish CO2 discharges, expanding consumption for spending aircrafts. Likewise, trains are getting less expensive as they are electric and changing to a full internet booking administration. The primary confinement with individuals changing to trains is the time limitation. Despite the fact that the hole in cost for long stretch flights will diminish, it is difficult to see clients moving to trains for these more drawn out separations and the way that most trains are not immediate further makes it escaping for clients to keep use trains. This brings up the issue, if costs increment, won’t individuals move to progressively sumptuous carriers, for example, British Airways and Virgin? This isn't the situation as the non spending aircrafts in the business are altogether right now performing wastefully when contrasted with the spending carriers, and it is this trademark will be their destruction. With costs ascending because of expanding oil costs (see Appendix K) and the costs of actualizing new innovation, spending carriers will even now thrive. They are accessible to give such a low cost and their rivals like B. A will be compelled to drop their cost and make up the benefits somewhere else, if conceivable. Non spending aircrafts are starting to address their wastefulness and are enhancing to remain alive in the business yet with the limited measure of oil, the spending carriers at present have a high ground. Dr Patrick Dixon, 2008] The providers, for this situation, the fabricates of the planes assume a fundamental job, presently like never before, for what it's worth up to them to make sense of approaches to make planes increasingly effective. The different firms have adopted various strategies on the best way to manage government intercession and natural issues. Airbus publicized their airplane, the A380, as being ‘more eco-friendly per traveler kilometer than a li ttle family car’ [Emirates, 2011]. A rundown of further highlights of how the A380 and Emirates are driving towards less outflows is accessible in Appendix L. asyJet have likewise built up their innovation to battle the issue by making an unducted fan-driven airplane that its authorities accept is the following best thing in eco-friendliness [Commercial Aviation Report, 2007]. To have the option to diminish CO2 outflows in the flight business there must be a full spotlight on approaches to lessen them, for example, interest in new innovation so planes can utilize elective energizes (Appendix M) or become more e
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Prosperity Without Growth Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Flourishing Without Growth - Essay Example This paper delineates that financial specialists like Tim Jackson have strayed from the thoughts of monetary development, to consolidate more thoughts that lead to reasonable economies. To be sure, the prosperity of the people and family units has become the dominant focal point and the legislative issues have been outfitted to address these overlooked thoughts. Surely, a large portion of the development that had been the focal point of most economies in the past has prompted enormous lifts in the worldwide economy, however at the expense of the earth and the general public. On this establishing, the creations and utilization exercises have added to over 60% of the corruption of the eco-frameworks, bringing up significant issues on whether this way will prompt economical advancement sooner rather than later. In fact, just a little bit of the advantages of the worldwide salary is redistributed to poor people, compounding the hole between the rich and poor people. Getting an evenhanded dispersion of assets, in this way, is one reason that the creator focuses to zero financial development in success on the planet economy. The idea of unending development has overwhelmed current financial experts, who disregard the social advancement identified with such sort of development. In fact, social dependability and improvement are one of the key mainstays of maintainability, which prompts thriving even in the worldwide economy. Also, the gathering of endless worldwide financial culminations to address monetary development and difficulties have not kept the world from going into innumerable downturns. On this stage, the entrepreneur developments appear to propose an interminable way of development, prodded by monetary exercises of creation, searching for new markets and utilization as the fundamental drivers of development. From this point of view, the hypothesis of thriving without development wakes up, in light of the fact that this consistent cycle may go on uncertainly without enhancements in the ways of life of the majority. In fact, note that any human movement is equipped towards the improvement of government assistance, and when such a framework fizzles, it is desirable over have thriving even without development on the planet.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My mother tongue Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
My primary language - Essay Example to discover that one’s local lingo shapes an establishment for understanding different dialects, however it is additionally troublesome convey when outside the social setting inside which it is typically spoken. What’s more, I unequivocally accept that our societies, relatives, and companions impacted our primary language most. My native language is Chinese. Notwithstanding the language I talk directly, I have spoken Chinese for as long as I can remember. In that capacity, I realized Chinese and English are entirely unexpected here and there. For instance, as far as â€Å"Though†, Chinese sentence structure said you should have a change â€Å"but†after words like however/albeit/despite the fact that. Be that as it may, in English, it doesn’t, it’s wrong in the event that we include â€Å"but†in the sentence. All things considered, my way of life impacted me a ton in that manner with the goal that when I previously came to United States 3 years prior, I continued creation this misstep. Furthermore, Chinese culture has one tense, what we did is just include a timeframe before sentence began. For example, when we need to discuss something previously, we simply include â€Å"in the past†before the entire explanation, trailed by a comma, making all the succeeding word s to be in the past tense. In the event that we have to end that past tense, we essentially include another change word. In any case, in English, I came to discover that sentences couldn't be illustrated that way. Rather, we should use past tense when looking at something before and utilize the future tense when something is about later on. With that impact, my Chinese culture has affected my sentence structure so much that I some of the time continue committing errors when separating tenses. These models show that, despite the fact that all dialects should make correspondence between individuals simple, they can vary dependent on the social conditions where they are utilized. My family and companions were the essential impact to my primary language as I grew up. To the extent I recollect, People who live in Zhejiang Province like me, think that its difficult to articulate the letter â€Å"R†in Chinese
I Don; T Know Essay
Why or why not? All close to home and classified data ought to be restricted to the uncovered measure of human services experts. Just to do clinical treatment (MLAE). 2. For this situation, how might you have the option to address your blunder and give the missing records to the patient while as yet securing understanding secrecy under HIPAA? You should contact the patient advise them you despite everything have the archives, and inquire as to whether they ould like to come to get them (MLAE). 3. Other than a HIPAA Patient Release of Information structure, list 4 different things that are found in the clinical record. A protection notice, affirmation that the security notice was gotten, an exchanging accomplice understanding, and an understanding came to with a human services proficient business partners (MLAE). 4. Lawfully, does the patient or the doctor/human services office own the clinical record? Why? The social insurance office, yet the patient can get to them whenever as long as the doctor feels it will make no mischief the patient (MLAE). 5. Rundown 3 different ways understanding privacy is kept up in the gathering/holding up territory of a clinical office. Not examining persistent data in the hall. Ensuring PC screens are out of patients sight. Likewise ensuring patients documents are not left open (MLAE). 6. A penetrate of classification can bring about what ramifications for a human services proficient? This could bring about conceivable end, or conceivable common move being made (MLAE). 7. From the rundown of Interpersonal Ethics (found in Chapter 1 of the Fremgen content), if it's not too much trouble portray how any of those characteristics were exhibited in your activities for this situation? Regard by hoping to ensure you could get to his data (MLAE). Unit 8 Project Questions: Part II 1. Would the activity taken in this subsequent situation be inside your extent of training for your picked field? Why or why not? No lone doctors ought to be giving out medicines, and they ought to have never at any point glanced in the record. They ought to have quite recently taken a message for the specialist (MLAE). 2. What decides your extent of training for your picked vocation? What you study, and what the workplace you are working in advises you to do (MLAE). 3. Would Respondeat Superior apply for this situation? Why or why not? I would not think in this way, since this individual was not acting inside their extent of Employment (MLAE). 4. Would the Good Samaritan Law apply for this situation? Why or why not? No in light of the fact that this was no crisis circumstance (MLAE). 5. What job does the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) play with respect to physician recommended prescription? The FDA is liable for securing and advancing general wellbeing through the guideline and management of sanitation, tobacco items, dietary enhancements, solution and ver-the-counter pharmaceutical medications (prescriptions), immunizations, biopharmaceuticals, blood transfusions, clinical gadgets, electromagnetic radiation emanating gadgets (ERED), and veterinary items (MLAE). 6. What job does the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) play concerning professionally prescribed prescription and a physician’s capacity to endorse opiates? Doctors must have a DEA p ermit to compose medicines, and it must be for the state they are rehearsing in (MLAE). References Bonnie F Fremgen, Ph. D. (2009). Clinical LAW AND ETHICS. New Jersey : Pearson Education Inc.
Friday, August 21, 2020
MTV'S real life show does not present the true life of Saudi Arabia Essay
MTV'S genuine show doesn't present the genuine existence of Saudi Arabia - Essay Example The narrative in general doesn't depict the genuine image of Saudi Arabia. Fatima spoke to herself as a lady who can't have an occupation by any stretch of the imagination. She is demonstrated to be moving in the direction of the dispatch of another business of shaded Abayas. An Abaya is a material that Saudi ladies wear on their garments when they come out to work, schools, emergency clinics and so forth. In spite of the fact that she isn't against the Abaya itself, she wishes to deliver some in an assortment of hues other than dark. Fatima likewise featured a portion of the restraints of the way of life saying that ladies are kept from riding bikes in the lanes, in spite of the way that a great deal of spots take into account bicyclists of the two sexes simply like here in the United States. As will be seen, a portion of her conflicts don't remain constant. Right off the bat, hued Abaya has been in presence for quite a while, and ladies have been wearing it for the length of its reality. Saudi ladies don dark for virtue like nuns in the United States. Nuns wear dark garments with white lines likened to Saudi ladies who make their Abayas dark in shading while at the same time coordinating it with others. Fatima appeared to be unengaged in finding the way in to her issues. Her determination was more towards basically being heard rather than effectively looking for an answer. At the point when she visited the American maker, she set down bogus realities before them, realities that would stun them. Her point was to make a business for her business for individuals who watch American TV. Her insight into the dark Abaya is undeniable, she comprehends it to be a piece of her way of life, however advances it rather as a strict limitation, realizing without a doubt that resistance to her vivid Abaya, likewise with anything strange, would be norma l. In the event that she really trusted it to be an issue of the general public that required tending to, she would have communicated in the language of the individuals of her general public, with the goal that everybody gets the message and can convey their consent or
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
An Overview of Stimulants and How Theyre Used
An Overview of Stimulants and How They're Used July 12, 2019 Yagi Studio/Digital Vision/Getty Images More in Addiction Drug Use Cocaine Heroin Marijuana Meth Ecstasy/MDMA Hallucinogens Opioids Prescription Medications Alcohol Use Addictive Behaviors Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Stimulants are a class of psychoactive drug that increases activity in the brain. These drugs can temporarily elevate alertness, mood, and awareness. Some stimulant drugs are legal and widely used. Many stimulants can also be addicting. Stimulants share many commonalities, but each has unique properties and mechanisms of action. Drugs that are classed as stimulants include: CaffeineNicotineCocaineMethamphetaminePrescription stimulants Caffeine Caffeine is the most widely used psychoactive drug in the world,?? found in coffee, tea, cocoa, chocolate candy, and soft drinks. While caffeine has several positive effects such as increasing energy and mental alertness, heavy use can cause symptoms such as anxiety and insomnia. Caffeine is physically addictive, and withdrawal symptoms can include headaches, fatigue, and irritability.?? Nicotine Nicotine is considered one of the three most widely used psychoactive drugs?? in the world despite the fact that there are few (if any) medical uses for the drug. During the early to mid-twentieth century, smoking was considered fashionable. Reports of the adverse health consequences have led to cigarette use being increasingly shunned. However, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that in 2014, approximately 17 percent of U.S. adults over the age of 18 (around 40 million individuals) smoke cigarettes.?? The National Institute on Drug Abuse reports that tobacco use is a leading preventable cause of death, disease, and disability in the U.S., with cigarette use attributed to more than 480,000 premature deaths each year.?? Cocaine Cocaine is an illegal psychoactive drug made from the leaves of the coca tree. During the late 1800s, psychoanalyst Sigmund Freud advocated the use of cocaine as a therapeutic treatment for psychological disorders, but later realized the addictive properties of the drug. During the early 1900s, cocaine was legal in the U.S. and could be found in many over-the-counter medications. In 1906, the government began requiring manufacturers to label cocaine-containing products and began placing serious restrictions on distribution by the early 1920s. Cocaine is a restricted substance and its use and sale are considered illegal in most cases. Today, cocaine is one of the most frequently used illegal drugs in the United States.?? Cocaine is rapidly absorbed from any administration point, including being snorted, inhaled, injected or taken orally. The drug reaches the brain quickly and is then distributed to other tissues throughout the body. Cocaine is rapidly metabolized by enzymes in the liver and plasma in approximately 30 to 60 minutes but can be detected in urine tests for up to 12 hours after administration.?? Methamphetamine Methamphetamine, also known as meth, is extremely addictive and destroys tissues in the brain, which can lead to brain damage.?? Prescription Stimulants Prescription stimulants are a group of psychoactive drugs that affect the central nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Some of the effects of using these drugs include tremors, vasoconstriction, restlessness, tachycardia, insomnia, agitation and loss of appetite. These agents were once widely used in obesity and weight loss treatments, but their addictive properties have caused them to be rarely used today for that purpose. Prescription stimulants are currently used to treat some physical and psychological disorders, including attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Common names of prescription stimulants include Ritalin, Adderall, and Dexedrine. Prescription stimulants work by enhancing the effects of dopamine and norepinephrine and can lead to increased blood pressure, respiratory function and euphoria.
Sunday, June 21, 2020
Espionage and Diplomacy Essay - 825 Words
Espionage and Diplomacy (Essay Sample) Content: Espionage and DiplomacyStudent name:Course title:Instructorà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s name:à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã†â€™Espionage and DiplomacyThere is a link between the two concepts, and this link was in use since the beginning of human intelligent societies. For one, one must give the definition of the two terms, in order to alert the reader to all entailed in the two topics. Espionage is the act of using spies to obtain information about a foreign country or company, (Merriam Webster 2011). The definition of diplomacy, on the other hand seems quite different compared to espionage. It is the act of using peace to relate with an individual or state level among countries, or organization, ( 2011). The connective part of the two concepts can have relation to a famous proverb.The wise saying explains that a person should keep his friends close, and at the same time, keep his enemies closer. In this way, the person should know who he/she can trust. In the intelligence field, there i s no such thing, as a friend. There are interests, and goals that one should accomplish, and todayà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"friendà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ will become tomorrowà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s enemy. The scope of the political, and intelligence world is constantly shifting, that one hardly has time to concentrate on one interest solely. The thing is, although that espionage is no longer confined to the state level, where spies exchange secrets over their countries military capabilities.The cold war concluded, and so the focus that this created, and occupied most minds during the era. The busy body agencies such as the CIA and the KGB had to get something to do now, other than shadow operations, involving drugs, and weapons. Corporate espionage involving companies, and their technological advancements came into the picture. The number of players in the game also increased considering that the US and Russia, were not the only countries, advancing at the time. There are certain examples in this case that include China, France, and Russia, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Corporate Espionage and Diplomacy in the Post-Al Qaeda Ageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ (Burton 2005).In order, to get what one wants out of a situation like the fact, that the United States wants to have get hold of a countries secrets, and it so happens that it is not in speaking terms with that particular state. The only recourse would be to feign diplomatic relations, and get the secrets covertly. A perfect example is the first public speech by British head of the MI6. The speech targeted the nation of Iran, and the efforts toward making them abandon their nuclear program. He suggested that Britain was carrying out covert espionage missions to this effect, Analysis: Espionage-led diplomacy, (Press TV 2010).In that case, the British were only using their diplomatic angle, as a front, to what they were actually doing behind the scenes. The official implied that they conducted this surveillance in the country, and when they found what they were looking for, they used the diplomatic pressure once more to constrain the plans of the Iranians. He stated categorically, that diplomacy alone would not bear fruit in the fight to make sure the Iranians follow suit. This looks like a dirty and quite nasty thing to do, in the wake of the fight against terrorism.If the analysis is true, that means that the British intentionally made sure that the Iranian nuclear program does not see the light of day. This is quite disheartening, because the people, who had the obligation of following the rules, chose the option of hitting below the belt to achieve their goals. This is not new, and one will hear them say in their justification, that all is fair in love and war. The world is beginning to gain definition in terms of cooperationà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s, and not countries that are superpowers. This is because of the rise of individualism, leading to a decrease in patriotism, and an increase in à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"private contractorsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ who are merc enaries for lack of a term.This changing of the world structure is leading to different descriptions of espionage. The world players are pretty much the same, but with new, rising members. China is one of these rising members, partly, because of the major corporate influence, which it has, with its major conglomerations, (China- the ultimate real laboratory? 2011). The Chinese view to take over cooperate scene bases, on the technological might that it has as well as the large economic market, which services most of the worlds customers. It is especially good in reinvention of products previously branded by other companies.It is very masterful in the art of stealing technological secrets from other countries. The spying can take many forms, in this sense. For example, when a person of importance arrives at the airport, there will be some technical anomalies that will happen. Luggage will go through special checkups, probably without the owner present. This is to facilitate the copyin g of hard drives, and files on their laptop. This will happen, in the face of diplomacy and with a complete straight face. Another example is when the à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"targetà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ arrives at the airport.The person of interest will receive an offer of a personal car which does not have a driver. The car already has bugs to listen in to whatever the person feels like sharing on a phone, and do not even think of using a hotel phone. This will still happen in the face of diplomacy. The poor guy probably thought he was going for a symposium to share new technologies. Unfortunately, these are the kind of games that carry on in the co-operate world, as the objective is to get ahead, by any means necessary. In essence the espionage cannot really go through in this case, without the use of diplomacy.The United States, and the Soviet republic have been at it, for decades during the cold war, and the ongoing fighting was at times, quite open. The exercise of diplomacy came recently during the conclusion of the war so as to calm the rest of the world into thinking, that all was well again, that the two colossuses, would not destroy the world in a fight. This was pretence on some levels. Yes, the cold war came to an end, but some activities could not end so easily, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Soviet Publicists Talk about U. S. Intelligenceà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ (Leslie D. Weir 1993).It may be not all the time, which espionage is behind the concept of diplomacy, although. The history of diplomacy is full of honourable people who did not spy for their respective countries in a bid to get ahead. The original diplomats were sent only as envoys during times of negotiation, and would return to their countries soon afterward. The origins of diplomacy trace to the beginning of the thirteenth century with the establishment of embassies in Milan. Milan was the first to send representatives to France, but could not accept theirs in return for fear of espionage, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"A Brief History of Diplomac yà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬ (eDiplomat 2011).Therefore, there were, and are cases were diplomacy had a clean reputation free from the taint of espionage. It is a politically correct theme nowadays, although, due to blatant showcases of spying in the name of diplomacy. An example is when the US government was in a scandal that it instructed its diplomats to spy on other diplomats concerning the UN leadership. The essence of the order was to collect information on the communication systems used by top officials in the UN. This is a bit of a blur on the line between espionage, and diplomacy. The order entailed details on the personal information of some top officials, and heads of agencies, à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‹Å"Hillary Clinton ordered diplomats to spy on UN: Wiki Leaks docsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬, (Daniel Tencer 2010).The order targeted some major key players like Ban Ki Moon, and his objectives on issues like Iran. The order went through most of the intelligence agencies: CIA, FBI, and the...
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Do Wasps Do, And Why Do We Need Them
What do wasps do? What good could a wasp possibly be? When most people think about wasps, they think about being stung. Indeed, wasps do sting, and wasp stings hurt. To make matters worse, some wasps can be downright nuisancesâ€â€they build nests under our eaves or in our lawns and swarm around our guests at backyard barbecues. If this has been your experience with wasps, youre probably wondering if we need these pests at all. So what do wasps do, and are wasps useful? 1:26 Watch Now: Wasps Do Surprisingly Cool Things Some Benefits of Wasps Paper wasps, hornets, and yellowjackets all belong to the same familyâ€â€the Vespidaeâ€â€and they all provide extraordinarily important ecological services. Specifically, they help us through pollination, predation, and parasitism. Put simply, without wasps, we would be overrun with insect pests, and we would have no figsâ€â€and no Fig Newtons. Hornets and paper wasps prey on other insects and help keep pest insect populations under control. For instance, paper wasps carry caterpillars and leaf beetle larvae back to their nests to feed their growing young. Hornets provision their nests with all manner of live insects to sate the appetites of their developing larvae. It takes a lot of bugs to feed a hungry brood, and its through these needs that both hornets and paper wasps provide vital pest control services. Yellowjackets dont get quite as much credit for being beneficial, although they should. Yellowjackets mostly scavenge dead insects to feed their offspring, meaning they prevent the bodies from piling upâ€â€like a cleaning service. Unfortunately, their scavenging habits and love of sugar puts them in close proximity to people, which almost never ends well for the yellowjacket or the person. Wasps and Yeast Researchers at the University of Florence recently discovered another important role of both hornets and paper wasps: They carry yeast cells in their guts. Yeast is an essential ingredient in making bread, beer, and wine, but we know very little about how yeast lives in the wild. The researchers found that wasps and hornets feed on late-season grapes, which are rich in wild yeast. The yeast survives the winter in the stomachs of hibernating queen wasps and is passed on to their offspring when they regurgitate food for their young. The new generation of wasps then carries the yeast back to the next seasons grapes. So raise your glass to the wasps and hornets! New Zealand Eradication Program In some cases, however, the costs of waspsâ€â€particularly for invasive speciesâ€â€far outweigh the benefits. In 2015, the Department of Conservation and Ministry for Primary Industries in New Zealand looked into the economic costs of the invasive species of German wasps (Vespula germanica) and common wasps (V. vulgaris) across industries, society, and the natural environment. They found that wasps cost the country NZ$75 million each year and projected a total cost of NZ$772 million between 2015 and 2050; 80% of this is associated with wasp predation on honeybees and its impacts on pollination. Wasps kill bees and their larvae for protein, rob hives of honey, and consume 50% of the available honeydew, a food source for bees. The same year, the Department of Conservation ran a pilot program on five public conservation land sites, testing a government-backed wasp bait called Vespexâ€â€they found a reduction of more than 95% of wasp activity. In early 2018, the New Zealand government began distributing information on how to set up wasp bait traps. Sources Celebrating Wildflowersâ€â€Pollinatorsâ€â€Wasp Pollination. US Forest Service. Web. June 9, 2018.Crenshaw, W.S. Nuisance Wasps and Bees. Colorado State University Extension. December, 2012. Web. June 9, 2018.MacIntyre, Peter, and John Hellstrom. An Evaluation of the Costs of Pest Wasps (Vespula Species) in New Zealand. Wellington, New Zealand Department of Conservation and Ministry for Primary Industries, 2015. Print.Mussen, E.C., and M.K. Rust. Pest Notes: Yellow and Other Social Wasps. Davis: UC Statewide IPM Program, University of California, 2012. Print.Schmidt, Justin O. Wasps. Encyclopedia of Insects. Ed. Resh, Vincent H. and Ring T. Carde. Academic Press, 2009. Print. Towns, David, Keith Broome, and Allan Saunders. Ecological Restoration on New Zealand Islands: A History of Shifting Scales and Paradigms. Australian Island Arks: Conservation. Eds. Moro, Dorian, Derek Ball and Sally Bryant. Christchurch: Csiro Publishing, 2018. 206-20. Print.and OpportunitiesManagement , Triplehorn, Charles A. and Norman F. Johnson. Wasps. Borror and DeLongs Introduction to the Study of Insects. Cengage, 2005. Print. Yellowjackets, Hornets, and Paper Wasps, Utah State University Extension, fact sheet ENT-19-07Wasp Control Using Vespex. Department of Conservation, 2018. Web. 10 June, 2018.Yong, Ed. You can thank wasps for your bread, beer and wine. Discover Magazine. July 30, 2012. Web. June 9, 2018.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Mercy Otis Warren American Revolution Propagandist
Known for: propaganda written to support the American Revolution Occupation: writer, playwright, poet, historianDates: September 14 O.S., 1728 (September 25) - October 19, 1844Also known as Mercy Otis, Marcia (pseudonym) Background, Family: Mother: Mary AllyneFather: James Otis, Sr., a lawyer, merchant, and politicianSiblings: three siblings, including older brother James Otis Jr., a figure in the American Revolution Marriage, Children: husband: James Warren (married November 14, 1754; political leader)children: five sons Mercy Otis Warren Biography: Mercy Otis was born in Barnstable in Massachusetts, then a colony of England, in 1728. Her father was an attorney and merchant who also played an active role in the political life of the colony. Mercy was, as was usual for girls then, not given any formal education. She was taught to read and write. Her older brother James had a tutor who permitted Mercy to sit in on some sessions; the tutor also permitted Mercy to use his library. In 1754, Mercy Otis married James Warren, and they had five sons. They lived most of their marriage in Plymouth, Massachusetts. James Warren, like Mercys brother James Otis Jr., was involved in the growing resistance to British rule of the colony. James Otis Jr. actively opposed the Stamp Act and the Writs of Assistance, and he wrote the famous line, Taxation without representation is tyranny. Mercy Otis Warren was in the middle of the revolutionary culture and counted as friends or acquaintances many if not most of the Massachusetts leaders -- and some who were from farther away. Propaganda Playwright In 1772, a meeting at the Warren house initiated the Committees of Correspondence, and Mercy Otis Warren was most likely part of that discussion. She continued her involvement that year by publishing in a Massachusetts periodical in two parts a play she called The Adulateur: A Tragedy. This drama depicted Massachusetts colonial governor Thomas Hutchinson as hoping to smile to see my country bleed. The next year, the play was published as a pamphlet. Also in 1773, Mercy Otis Warren first published another play, The Defeat, followed in 1775 by another, The Group. In 1776, a farcical play, The Blockheads; or, The Affrighted Officers was published anonymously; this play is usually thought to be by Mercy Otis Warren, as is another anonymously published play, The Motley Assembly, which appeared in 1779. By this time, Mercys satire was directed more at Americans than at the British. The plays were part of the propaganda campaign that helped solidify opposition to the British. During the war, James Warren served for a time as paymaster of George Washingtons revolutionary army. Mercy also carried out an extensive correspondence with her friends, among whom were John and Abigail Adams and Samuel Adams. Other frequent correspondents included Thomas Jefferson. With Abigail Adams, Mercy Otis Warren contended that women taxpayers should be represented in the new nations government. After the Revolution In 1781, the British defeated, the Warrens purchased the home formerly owned by Mercys one-time target, Gov. Thomas Hutchinson. They lived there in Milton, Massachusetts, for about ten years, before returning to Plymouth. Mercy Otis Warren was among those who opposed the new Constitution as it was being proposed, and in 1788 wrote about her opposition in Observations on the New Constitution. She believed that it would favor aristocratic over democratic government. In 1790, Warren published a collection of her writings as Poems, Dramatic and Miscellaneous. This included two tragedies, The Sack of Rome and The Ladies of Castile. While highly conventional in style, these plays were critical of American aristocratic tendencies which Warren feared were gaining in strength, and also explored expanded roles for women on public issues. In 1805, Mercy Otis Warren published what had occupied her for some time: she titled the three-volumes the History of the Rise, Progress, and Termination of the American Revolution. In this history, she documented from her perspective what had led up to the revolution, how it had progressed, and how it had ended. She included many anecdotes about participants she knew personally. Her history viewed favorably Thomas Jefferson, Patrick Henry, and Sam Adams. It was, however, fairly negative about others, including Alexander Hamilton and her friend, John Adams. President Jefferson ordered copies of the history for himself and for his cabinet. The Adams Feud About John Adams, she wrote in her History, his passions and prejudices were sometimes too strong for his sagacity and judgment. She intimated that John Adams had become pro-monarchy and ambitious. She lost the friendship of both John and Abigail Adams as a result. John Adams sent her a letter on April 11, 1807, expressing his disagreement, and this was followed by three months of exchanging letters, with the correspondence growing more and more contentious. Mercy Otis Warren wrote about Adams letters that they were so marked with passion, absurdity, and inconsistency as to appear more like the ravings of a maniac than the cool critique of genius and science. A mutual friend, Eldridge Gerry, managed to reconcile the two by 1812, about 5 years after Adams first letter to Warren. Adams, not fully mollified, wrote to Gerry that one of his lessons was History is not the Province of the Ladies. Death and Legacy Mercy Otis Warren died not long after this feud ended, in the fall of 1814. Her history, especially because of the feud with Adams, has been largely ignored. In 2002, Mercy Otis Warren was inducted into the National Womens Hall of Fame.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Is Breaking The Taboo - 895 Words
Before we can explain why the film is titled breaking the Taboo, we must first grasp the connotation that comes with the word taboo. In a noun interpretation we see taboo as a social custom prohibiting discussion of a particular practice (drugs) or forbidding association with a particular person (drug user), place (drug influenced locations), and thing (drugs). In a verb definition we see taboo as something that has been placed under prohibition. Now that we have a better understanding of what taboo means, we can see that there is a major taboo associated with drugs. Drug use/ abuse have become a private matter which results in an increase in individuals becoming addicted. Many of these individuals are alone in their addiction due to this isolation that comes with such a stigma. In the United States we pride ourselves on strict regulating laws that prohibit drugs, but these actions have only led to United States becoming the largest consumer of drugs. The United States consist of less than 5 % of the population and 25% of the world population in jail reside in the United States alone. In 1970 the United States had 330,000 prisoners. In 2012 however, it was documented that they had 2.3 million prisoners. The United States has gotten to an extent where we have more prisoners rather than soldiers. This is a hard statistic to read because such a vast amount of individuals are being separated from civilization, for some, decades at a time where change has accelerated theirShow MoreRelatedSanctions And The Level Of Sanctions886 Words  | 4 Pagestraditional societies there are certain concepts that we deem as inappropriate or negative. These things we negatively sanction and the level of sanction is dependent upon the different level of violation. These guiding rules are called folkways, mores, taboo, and sometimes laws. These serve as guiding paths for which people attempt to follow. Each of these are sanctioned in different ways and are commonly expected to be followed. One important thing to remember is that many things are found to be basedRead MoreTaboos and Rituals1615 Words  | 7 Pagessport of baseball as a means of portraying different aspects of culture. The three aspects of baseball that are discussed are rituals, taboos, and fetishes. All three of these baseball traditions or superstitions can be directly related to specific aspects of culture. There are religious, social, and political ties to all three. In examining the rituals, taboos, and fetishes of baseball, cultural ties can be made and one can begin to understand the complex nature of society as it relates to theRead MoreThe Social Impacts of Marijuana Prohibition in Brazil649 Words  | 3 Pagesmany others. Because its so hard to differentiate an addict and a drug dealer by the amount of marijuana they carry, addicts end up in jail. Now, addiction is considered an illness, and for that reason it should be treated as one. In the movie breaking the taboo with the former Brazilian president Fernando Henrique, prisoners talk about how much drugs are a part of their lives in prison. One of them says â€Å"If you didn’t have a drug habit when going in, you leave with a drug habit.†If the prohibitionRead MoreIs Bataille s Philosophy Something We Could Realistically Live By? Critically Discuss1278 Words  | 6 Pagesprovides us with the basic components of living but not what we really need and how this excess desire the boy has, needs to be satisfied. Rules and taboos have been created in the process of capitalism encouraging productive activity and focuses on the individuality of a person’s productivity. Any behaviour that goes against these rules and taboos, like the example of the young boy who wants to be unproductive, is suppressed as a result. This is why there is opposition to activities like ‘sexualRead MoreThe Is The Best And Worst Kinds Of Law Breaking930 Words  | 4 Pagesresults out of the enthusiasm of wrong doings and going against the appropriate and acceptable behaviours (ibid). Julius (2002) argues that by breaking the law, there is a positive liberation of cultural restrictions we rejoice in, and in that we truly reveal a form of gracefulness. Nonetheless, transgressions can be the best and the worst kinds of law breaking, a work of transgression can be great in the power it holds, yet it could be interpreted as a poor insult at the cost of the artist and hisRead MoreThe Social Construction Of Gender By Judith Lorber950 Words  | 4 Pagespeople do not even notice the way they act because of how socially constructed our Western society is. She shows that society is to blame from depriving people from fulling expressing themselves in the way they see themselves by enforcing the â€Å"sameness taboo†. â€Å"The process of gendering and its outcome are legitimated by religion, law, and the society’s entire set of value. †(Lorber, 1994) Society’s values have constructed a two-way pathway of masculinity (males) and femininity (females) that have deniedRead MoreSexual Taboos And Its Effects On Society1107 Words  | 5 Pagesthe fear associated with sexual taboos was once synonymous with how one would quiver in the presence of a snake. Slowly retreating in dread, every vein in the body flooding with adrenaline and mixed emotions. In the company of the unfamiliar, the coward would turn his or her head and run. On the other hand, the inquisitive and open-minded would study the creature and come to his or her own conclusions. Similar to the questionable snake, the topic of sexual taboos has been disregarded for as longRead MoreSymbolism In Lord Of The Flies824 Words  | 4 Pages into which he dare not throw. Here, invisible yet strong, was the taboo of the old life†(62). Unfortunately, as time moves on, they grow increasingly distant from these taboos, and more accepting of the primitive ways of unfiltered human nature. The island acts as a sort of solitary confinement for the boys, forcing them to leave the society they were used to. The boys slowly realize there are no real consequences for breaking the rules, so they start to view the rules as pointless, with the helpRead MoreSocial Norms And Its Effect On Society Essay949 Words  | 4 Pagesclasses and social groups. (Becker) It is important to understand how norms dictate our society because breaking any norms can lead to a negative sanctions Sanctions are punishments or rewards one receive when you either abide by a norm or violate it. (Carl, 54) Different types of norms call for different level of sanctions. There are three different types or levels of norms: folkways, mores, and taboos. Folkways are informal norms when violate have lax consequence. An example is picking your nose inRead MoreLJones Perceptions And Causes Ofpsycho Pathology1634 Words  | 7 Pagesreferred to pathogenic cultura l implications. Notably, cultural beliefs were entrenched in the human mind so much so that breaking any taboo was viewed as gross misconduct warranting mental illness. In this regard, cultural portrayal of mental illness was based on the breaking of a taboo. However, scientific research explains that it is the anxiety that follows the breaking of a taboo that causes the development of a mental disorder. Further, research shows that the kind of culture a mental patient comes
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Age Of Turbulence By Alan Greenspan - 1310 Words
After reading â€Å"The Age of Turbulence†by Alan Greenspan, the memoir truly shows the significance of our economy in the United States. Alan Greenspan, who spent eighteen-years as the chairman of the Federal Reserve, showed great efforts to assure that America didn t experience an economic disaster. â€Å"Predicting the economic downturn that became the 1958 recession was my first forecast of the economy as a whole†(47 Greenspan). His mindset was constantly full of ideas that would make the economy more stimulated. Greenspan explains the history he has in government, other economic systems, and world issues that greatly affect the economy. He also made sure the rest of the world would grow in a way to make more opportunities for all. His main†¦show more content†¦The Federal Reserve has many jobs to accomplish such as moderating long term interest rates to increase investment. When the economy is performing strongly, the Feds will raise interest rates in o rder to â€Å"slow down†the economy. This may sound like a bad idea, but in reality it must be done to ensure that our economy stays in equilibrium. We do not want our economy doing too well but we do not want it doing too poorly either. When the Feds change the interest rates the banks that borrow money from the Fed get directly affected because the loaning price of the money either lowers or rises in response to the interest rates. On the other hand, when the Fed lowers interest rates, it means the economy is performing poorly. Lowering interest rates makes money more accessible for the banks to borrow. When the Fed tightens, the stock market tends to not perform well. â€Å"While the Fed had no explicit mandate to focus on the stock market, the effects of the run-up in prices seemed to me a legitimate concern†(175 Greenspan). To explain, higher interest rates creates a lower demand for stocks, causing stock prices to fall. Lower interest rates creates a higher dem and for stocks, causing stock prices to rise. When the demand for stocks fall, the demand for bonds will increase. Interest rates and bond prices are inversely related. This means that when interest rates rise, the demand for bonds fall. Alan Greenspan had a significant contribution to why our economy is the way it isShow MoreRelatedThe Age Of Turbulence By Alan Greenspan Sheds Light On1596 Words  | 7 PagesThe Age of Turbulence by Alan Greenspan sheds light on Greenspan s time as the chairman of the Federal Reserve as well as the present and future United States economy. Greenspan’s involvement in public life started with Richard Nixon’s campaign in 1967. He then went on to spend eighteen years serving as the chairman of the Federal Reserve Board for Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H. W. Bush, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush from 1987 to 2006. 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If subprimeRead MoreEssay His 135 Week 9 Final Project3576 Words  | 15 Pagesdespite the turmoil of the Civil Rights Movement, the 1960s were anything but peaceful. The 1960s were especially unique in that so many children had been born in the years after WWII that now, in the 60s, they were becoming of age, thus the 60s are also known as the Age of Youth. Several general trends characterize the era: a vast counterculture and social revolution, typically youth rebelling like never before; increased attention to civil rights, feminism, the Vietnam War and the anti-war movementRead MoreRise and Fall of Lehman Brothers11214 Words  | 45 PagesBrothers became an important financial advisor and underwriter for many growing companies and established a number o f long-term relationships that are still active today. Economic expansion accelerated in the 1950s with the dawn of the Electronics Age, and Lehman Brothers arranged start-up financing for companies such as Litton Industries. The Firm also lent its expertise and advisory skills to Burlington Mills, Schenley Industries and American Export Lines. This period was also the beginning ofRead MoreMaster Thesis Topic18078 Words  | 73 PagesFinance, 57, 369-403 Master Thesis topic 27: Commercial Real Estate One of the factors shared by all real estate types is that their characteristics are very heterogeneous. It is difficult to compare prices for two office buildings because factors like age, size and maintenance level are very unlikely to be the same whereas identical locations can always be ruled out. It is possible to study the monetary value of heterogeneous property characteristics with the use of so called hedonic regression analysis
Zimbabwe Free Essays
string(18) " was one of them\." Q. 1. The potential revenue of the field. We will write a custom essay sample on Zimbabwe or any similar topic only for you Order Now Find the most reliable figure for this, tell where you obtained it and explain why you think it is the most reliable figure that you could obtain. Ans. 1. Zimbabwe started selling diamonds and earned more than ?1 billion by selling diamonds (The Press Association). The soldiers forced people to work harder. They also tortured them and their children with heavily armed force. There is no official estimate for the revenue from selling stones and diamonds in that sector but an unofficial estimated range is showing ?1. billion from that field in Zimbabwe (The Press Association). The eastern alluvial diamond fields of diamond estimated to meet one-forth demand of the total demand of diamond across the world in 2006. They earned high revenue and profit by trading diamonds into several countries, like, Israel, India, Lebanon and Russia. The government of Zimbabwe earned $20 million from the legal sale of diamonds in 2008 (The Press Association). But the important thing is that most of the earned income and revenue of mining diamonds is illegal and it has no governmental or official record. If a Chinese mining company wants to set up a legal partnership with Zimbabwe government then it will achieve great revenue with high profit and growth through mining diamond in Marange which is a newly founded diamond field in Zimbabwe. This particular field of diamond is situated in the eastern field which earned high revenue through diamond mining in Zimbabwe. To expand their trade facilities, they arranged some private planes to bring buyers from foreign countries. Most of the diamond fields in Zimbabwe are illegal and distributing conflicting diamonds to many countries. These illegal mining fields are expecting high profit and thus they forced poor people to work harder under the mechanism of ‘Dig or Die’ (The Press Association). Poor people are bound to work under the heavily armed security guard in these illegal fields of diamond. According to Abbey Chikane, the Kimberley Process monitor for Zimbabwe, marked the Marange Diamond field in Zimbabwe as a certified diamond field to export conflict-free diamonds to meet the demand of diamond across the world (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). The human right organization of Zimbabwe is protesting the diamond mining though several illegal diamond fields which are doing illegal activities through killing many poor helpless men, raping women and torturing children to get hard work from them. To solve these problems, the government of Zimbabwe has become very serious to set up legal diamond mines to export conflict-free diamonds. Q. 2. Who controls the Mining Development Corporation? Do they have any existing joint venture partners? Who in the Zimbabwean government will influence decisions regarding the investment? Ans. 2. Diamond exporting and supplying business is currently controlled by the government of Zimbabwe. Though it is controlled by the government, there is a presence of powerful illegal diamond fields in Zimbabwe and these fields are engaged in several illegal and non-ethical activities with the help of the armed police and security guard force of Zimbabwe. The presence of political battle and high rate of corruption in the Zimbabwean economic, political and social atmospheres guided the government to a wrong direction. Being the Zimbabwe monitor of the world diamond control body, Abbey Chikane, also stated that the diamonds are ready for sale in the international market to provide minimum international standard of diamond (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). According to the investors, the mining of diamond in Marange was conducted through use of virtual slaves under the control of armed soldiers in 2008 (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). Therefore, this field is not working legally or the government may be not serious about fact of diamond mining in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley Process is an international monitoring body to control conflict-free diamond supply from certified diamond fields under governmental rules and regulations. Mr. Chikane announced that Zimbabwe can start trading the Marange diamonds under proper guidance of the government of Zimbabwe. According to him, the Zimbabwe government has taken several effective steps to regulate legal diamond fields and to remove illegal sources of diamond. The Kimberley Process did not consider the fact of taking steps against governments which violated the rules of the human-rights organization in Zimbabwe in diamond mining. The Kimberley team investigated that the heavily armed security forces killed many people, raped women who were illegally mining in the Marange fields in July, 2008 (Mutsaka, Wonacott and Childress, 2010). But the officials denied these charges against them and the government and they told that the security guards were there to give protection to the governmental part of the Marange diamond fields in Zimbabwe. The Kimberley members restricted sales of diamonds by the Marange diamond fields as they were supplying non-certified stones in the international market with proper certificates. This helped to get certification for the diamond fields in Zimbabwe. It also allowed exporting several other legal diamond fields into the foreign market. Zimbabwe’s government earned $20 million from the legal fields of diamonds in 2008 (The Press Association). There are some political conflicts in Zimbabwe in the issue of diamond exporting and mining from legal and illegal diamond fields of the country. After the election in Zimbabwe in 2008, the situation in Marange diamond field has become very much concern about their effectiveness of the Kimberley Process. A top member of the World Diamond Council, Martin Rapaport reigned from the Kimberley Process to protest against their activity and controlling mechanism of the process. Human rights organizations in Zimbabwe are now become very much concern about the export of diamond in the international market after getting the green signal to restart the sale of diamonds from the Marange diamond fields, where heavily armed soldiers deployed by the President Robert Mugabe have been charged for conducting illegal activities (Peta, 2010). The Zimbabwean government investigated that more than 4 million carats of diamonds were founded from the controversial fields of the Zimbabwean diamond fields. Marange was one of them. You read "Zimbabwe" in category "Papers" The estimated value of the total sale of diamonds will be around $1. 7bn according to the Zimbabwe’s 2010 budget and that will be very much helpful to provide a boost to the economic condition of Zimbabwe (Peta, 2010). Investment from the foreign investors is always encouraged the mining development corporation of Zimbabwe. To meet the international demand of diamond, they are gradually expanding their international business through legal export of conflict-free diamonds of certified diamond fields of Zimbabwe. To increase their revenue, the government of Zimbabwe is very much interested to incorporate many foreign investors across the world. The director of the Centre for Research and Development which is a Zimbabwean human-rights organization was tracking the operations in Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe (Peta, 2010). According to them at the end of 2008, there was no improvement in the condition of the human rights in the Marange diamond field. Mr. Maguwu, the director of the research and development centre, also showed how diamonds from the Marange Diamond field were being smuggled out from Zimbabwe to Mozambique and it became a profitable strategy for the soldiers of Zimbabwe through illegal diamond export to other foreign countries (Peta, 2010). The Zimbabwe government forced the African Consolidated Resources to take back their claims against the government and their officials in the issue of diamond supply and export from the Marange diamond field in Zimbabwe at the end of 2006. The high court of Zimbabwe decided that all diamond mines should hand over their power of illegal diamond export to the central bank of Zimbabwe and those mines could get back their power after resolving the dispute in 2008 (Peta, 2010). Therefore, after the political and social battle in Zimbabwean diamond fields, it has become mandatory to get certified by the government, the diamond research and development centre and also by the human rights organization of Zimbabwe. Game Theory: Q. 3. Game theory is very useful in planning strategy. Your firm, if it decides that it is a good investment, wants to win the rights to develop the mine. Explain how you can use game theory to plot a winning strategy. Ans. 3. If the Chinese firm decides that it will be a good investment and also wants to win the rights to develop the diamond mines in Zimbabwe, then they should follow a strategic plan with game theory application. The firm can invest in the Marange diamond field through legal contract of partnership with the mining company. They should be aware of the fact that there are no illegal activities in the mining field against the human rights organization in Zimbabwe. The government of Zimbabwe should follow ethics of the social and political aspects in the case of diamond mining from different legal fields of diamond. According to the perfect formation of the game of this case of development in the field of diamonds, the most effective and suitable pay-off will be the combination of the investment of the Chinese firm and the investment in the legal fields of certified diamonds in Zimbabwe. The investment of the Chinese firm will be more profitable if the firm can invest into a legal field of diamonds, rather than investment into an illegal field of diamonds. There are some other factors related with social, ethical and legal perspectives of the country in the case of diamond mining. These aspects should be highly concerned by the Chinese company who is very much interested to get with some Zimbabwean mining company through legal partnership contract. The Chinese company can get high revenue and profit if it makes a contract with an illegal company but other social, legal and ethical aspects will not be there. There may be several strategies but only one pay-off will be economically, financially, legally and ethically viable for this case. Pricing Strategies: Q. 4. Explain why the price of diamonds in international markets is so high. Note that a good answer to this question will involve research into the pricing strategies of the firms that sell diamonds as well as the application of basic economic principles. Ans. 4. The price of diamond is very high in the international market. If demand increases for a commodity, the price of that commodity will also increase keeping other factors as unchanged. The demand curve of a commodity is downward slopping in the price of the commodity and the quantity demanded for the commodity framework. Demand Curve of commodity: Price Demand Curve †¢ Quantity Demanded (Source: varian, 2003, pp. 4-6) The price of the commodity and the quantity demanded of the commodity are taken respectively as the vertical and the horizontal line of the diagram. The demand of diamond is gradually increasing in the international market. In the above diagram, according to the basic concept of the demand curve, the demand is dependent on the price of the commodity. Therefore, the price of any commodity should also be dependent on the demand of the commodity. In general, if the demand increases, the price should fall according to the demand curve. But in this case, the price of diamonds is gradually increasing with the increase in the price of the diamonds. The price of the diamonds is very high in the international market to reduce the demand of diamonds in scarcity of diamonds in the global market. The scarcity of diamonds is the main reason for the increasing price of diamonds in the international market. At present, there are few diamond mines from which high quality diamonds can be found. On the other hand, there are few diamond mining companies in the world. Therefore, the competition in these companies is negligible. If a firm with monopoly power in a market increases the price of its commodity, there will be no change in the demand of the commodity. This advantage for the diamond mining companies encourages them to increase the price to achieve high revenue and profit from this business. In the competitive market the firms can not increase the prices of their products because if they increase the price the demand of the product will reduce in those firms and the consumer will prefer to buy from any other firm at lower price of the commodity. There is another important reason for the increment of the price of diamonds in the international market. Most of the exported diamonds are smuggled out from the African diamond fields in different countries. These smugglers have fixed very high price for these diamonds in the foreign market. Though this reason is illegal and not providing any economic theory, it is a very important reason for the high price of diamonds. Ethics: Q. 5. What is the Kimberly Process Certification Scheme? What are the elements of the scheme? Does this investment satisfy these? Why or why not? Ans. 5. Mines Minister of Zimbabwe, Obert Mpofu, stated that more than 90% of the total demand from the international market was achieved by the trade watchdog, the Kimberley Process group in November in 2009 (BBC News, 2009). The armed police force in the diamond mining field killed more than 200 poor people by torturing them at the Marange field of diamonds (The Press Association). The activists wanted to remove these pathetic and illegal activities which were gradually reducing the socio-economic culture of the economy. They also announced to reform the planning and controlling strategies of diamond fields in Zimbabwe and they fixed 2010 as the deadline of this reformation (BBC News, 2009). The Kimberley process is a controlling body under the governmental power in Zimbabwe. With the help of this organization, the government earned a lot revenue and profit but it was not helpful to maintain social, legal and ethical aspects of the economy. To achieve high profit and growth, this organization forced people to work harder in the diamond fields of Marange. The security guards killed many people, raped women and forced children to work continuously in the fields. The Kimberley Process decided to work against the human rights groups of Zimbabwe. Therefore, this process is not concern about the ethics of the organization and they are away from maintaining social responsibilities in Zimbabwe. The government denied these charges against their officials and they are still not very much worried about the fact. The 70-member Kimberley Process group approved a compromise diamond contract at a summit in Namibia in 2009 (BBC News, 2009). To maintain balance in the socio-economic aspects of the economy, an independent monitoring body with independent inspector was established. This organization mainly monitors the diamond mining from the controversial fields. As this process is completely away from maintaining ethics and any other social responsibilities, the investment in this organization will not provide any knowledge of social, economic, legal and ethical responsibilities. This will not be suitable or helpful for the future in a long-run perspective. Q. 6. Do you think that this investment is ethical? Why or why not? Ans. 6. Investment in this organization or process will not be an ethical decision for the Chinese mining company. This process helped to work illegally to achieve high profit in an illegal diamond mining sector. This process is not maintaining any ethics which should be helpful for long-term planning. This process also affects the environmental degradation in Zimbabwe. It is also damaging farming irrigation systems in Zimbabwe (Conflict Blood Diamonds, 2009). If the Chinese mining company wants to observe a sustainable growth and development for a long-term perspective, they should not go for the partnership contract with the Marange Diamond mining fields and should not even go for investing in these illegal unauthorized and non-certified diamond mining fields in Zimbabwe. How to cite Zimbabwe, Papers
Project Management and Evaluation free essay sample
QTN†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"If Monitoring and Evaluation is to be useful to managers, donors, participants and citizens, then the work must be honest, objective and fair. Data must be collected accurately and reporting done truthfully†. Monitoring and evaluation serves as an essential tool for ensuring sound management within the lifetime of projects or policies. There are certain activities that must be done to put into consideration the cost, time, feasibility and useful means in relation to identifying the maximum amount of information needed to meet the need of monitoring and evaluation. In essence, there should be comprehensive information that cover the full range of the required inputs, outputs, outcomes and impacts which should focus on the monitoring and evaluation purposes. Essentially the vitalness of monitoring and evaluation will be reflected upon the collection of data and information which are relevant, efficient, effective and sustainable, in relation to the aims and objectives which the stakeholders of the project or policy needed in accordance with their interest. We will write a custom essay sample on Project Management and Evaluation or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page For monitoring and evaluation to become valuable to managers, donors, participants and citizens, then the effort must, be straightforward, purposive and reasonable. It is the obligation of those involved in such activities of monitoring and evaluation to make sure that the data are collected accurately and that reporting is undertaken truthfully. The essay focus on discussing monitoring and evaluation work which constitutes honesty, objectivity, and fairness in relation to how useful it can be to managers, donors, participants and citizens. Also too, the collection of accurate data and undertaking truthful reporting which could be essentially important to undertake necessary adjustment within the lifetime of projects. Initially, it will base discussion on the usefulness of carrying out honest work of monitoring and evaluation and the significance it stresses, in relation to managers, donors, participants and the citizens. Moreover, it discusses the vitalness of undertaking the work which reflects the objectives. Furthermore, the usefulness of carrying out fair work, and finally, it focus on the essence of accurate data collection and undertaking truthful reporting on feedbacks of projects or policies. To start of with, monitoring and evaluation focus on searching for answers about development interventions that can be done at different times in the life cycle of the project, therefore any necessary requirements should be undertaken carefully. The work involves gathering, analysing, interpreting and reporting information on project performances. For instance, the work of monitoring and evaluation are important to such extent as providing the stakeholders with better means for learning from past experiences, improving service delivery, planning and allocating resources and demonstrating results as part of accountability to key stakeholders. Managers, donors, participants and citizens each perform certain distinctive roles and interests in which they emphasise on various perspectives in response to the work of monitoring and evaluation. The work of monitoring and evaluation can be essentially vital for managers who oversee implementation, donors and other decision makers who influence or decide the course of action related to the project. The citizens whose situations the project seeks to change and participants who implement actions of the project (Wobiro, A. 2002; p47). For monitoring and evaluation to be advantageous, then the work must be honest, objective and fair, and so there should be precise data collection and reporting to be carried out truthfully in such a way it will be significant to concerned audiences. The work of monitoring and evaluation should be honest to ensure honesty and integrity in having respect to the safekeeping, dignity and self-worth of respondents to surveys, the project participants, citizens and other stakeholders they interconnect with. Knowing that a lot may be at stake for a project, it is not surprising that some people may try to influence the way information is presented or the recommendations that are made. Wobiro, A. (2004:p79), argues that†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"While most of those carrying out the work of monitoring and evaluation would easily recognise bribe (and reject it), though it is not always easy to recognise more subtle forms of influence†. It is the responsibility of those who undertake the work of monitoring and evaluation to ensure that data on project performances are appropriately being collected and that the reporting is done truthfully to provide information to outside audience. For instance, different audience need different information on what concerns them in relation to the project performances, even when addressing the same issues. To paraphrase Kellogg Foundation (2002:p97), the distribution of honest information about the project to outside audiences can be vital as it does serve many purposes. The managers can indulge on improving the effective means on the functioning of related projects and organisation, providing an accounting purposes to donors and the regulatory bodies, convincing diverse audiences of the project’s importance, and generating further support for the projects being implemented. A monitoring and evaluation work that sits on someone’s shelf will not lead to develop project design and management. Therefore, carrying out honest monitoring and evaluation work can be effective as it does provide usable information that the project staff and other stakeholders can utilize directly to make decisions about the project. Moreover, for the work of monitoring and evaluation is to be proved useful to the responsible bodies, then it must reflect its objectives. Monitoring and evaluation that is to be usable must essentially being centred on the questions concerning the progress of the project under investigation, thus its objectives must be stated clearly as to reflect the information which the key stakeholders need to acquire. The performance based monitoring and evaluation concerns the assessment, as organized and objective as potential of intentional, enduring, or accomplished project. For example, the work is intended to define that whether the project still relevant to the problem, being considered efficient, effectively undertaken, impact, and sustainability of the project so as to incorporate lessons learned into the decision making process by the managers and other important decision makers. The work of monitoring and evaluation in essence provides worthwhile responses to managers, donors, participants and the citizens as it informs decisions on operations or activities that are related to ongoing or future project intervention. According to Rossi and Freeman, (1989:p45)†¦ â€Å"The work is for management and administrative purposes, to assess the appropriateness of program changes, to identify ways to improve the service delivery of interventions or to meet the accountability requirements for funding groups†. With the essence of the work being objectively undertaken, the project management and administration will have to, in their day to day conduct their undertakings as competently as possible. The managers and supervisors, who have reputations for wasting funds, improperly using staff resources, and in other ways being efficient, regularly endanger not only their own positions but the futures of their projects. The systematic response of objective work of monitoring and evaluation will serve as a influential tools that enables project managers to document the functioning efficiency of organisation, for easing the ways staff are employed, for requesting for the project support and, and for defending the performance of the project compared to those undertaken by the other organisations is the same social program sector. Similarly, project donors and the other stakeholders have need of evidence that what was paid for and considered necessary was actually undertaken concern over the lack of accountability of projects, particular public project continues to intensify . For instance, the objective work could be essentially vital to stakeholders as it can cater to empower corporate learning and contribute to the body of knowledge on what works, what does not and why, therefore there can be informed decisions on operations or strategy related to ongoing or future project intervention. The participants, with regards to the information needed, will be concerned with the impact or outcome of the project implementation to consider effective strategies to carry out the activities of monitoring and evaluation effectively and efficiently. The monitoring and evaluation work will pursue to measure project sound effects in relative to its specified goals, whether and to what degree the project’s inputs and services are improving the quality of people’s lives. It provides information on the changes in the behaviour and conditions of targeted communities and individuals (Rossi and Freeman, 1992; p26) by assessing the effectiveness of the project in attaining its originally stated intermediate and overall objectives. Though the project monitoring and evaluation undoubtedly aids the interests of the funders, project managers, staff, and the beneficiaries, all of whom benefit from a process that advances project actions, each of these groups might resist an impact evaluation out of concern that the result might be negative. For instance, the funders might have to admit to mistakes in judgment; project managers and staff might consider their jobs threatened; beneficiaries, if they are receiving food or other goods or services may fear their loss. Overpowering such resistance to monitoring and evaluation is not always possible, but experience suggests that resistance can be reduced if the stakeholders of a project are involved in planning for the evaluation and reviewing monitoring and evaluation data as they are being compiled. Furthermore, for the work of monitoring and evaluation to become useful, then it should be done fairly in its examination and recording of strengths and weakness of the project being monitored and evaluated, so that strengths can be built upon and problems addressed. Those involve in the monitoring and evaluation activities should make certain that the complete set of the findings along with relatable limitation are made accessible to the audience affected by the monitoring and evaluation, and any other expressed permissible privileges to receive the results. The managers to the project, donors, participants and the citizens need to have a fairly accomplished wealth of information, so that each of them essentially have the opportunity to articulate and present their needs, interests and expectations related to the project. For instance, the fair work of monitoring and evaluation aids the manager of projects to make sound management decisions to promote and made effective a more efficient allocation of resources and so, the participants can indulge in putting in place related corrective measures through implementation performance. As highlighted in the United Nation Population Fund (2001; p3), â€Å"The work gives the stakeholders a sense of ownership over monitoring and evaluation results, thus promoting their use to improve decision making, and so increases the understanding of stakeholders of their own project strategy and processes, what works, does not work and why. †The donors to the project needs accountability on the uses of funds they lend and likewise the population will expect the work to be fair as they are engaged with the growing interest that their situation seeks to change from benefits of the project outcomes. Finally, the collection of data to be carried out accurately and that reporting should be undertaken truthfully. The aim should be to identify the minimum amount of new information needed to meet the monitoring and evaluation needs. For all intents and purposes, the considerations of cost, time, feasibility and useful means must need to be very carefully selective in what was collected. The first consideration in any data collection process is to identify existing data and assess its quality. There may be existing monitoring and evaluation documentation or there may be data generated through existing reporting or budget control systems that can be adopted for the new monitoring and evaluation purposes. For example, if a project has to make regular accounting reports to the government or declare all purchases to a head office, this sort of data that you should first use. According to Wobiro, A. (2002; p32) â€Å"The collection of new data and the setting up of new monitoring and evaluation activities should only take place if existing processes cannot answer the questions that have been raised†. There is always existed a danger of creating masses of needless data that leads stakeholders to say â€Å"so what†. It is the occupations of those involve in monitoring and evaluation to ensure the data are collected accurately and reporting is done truthfully. Monitoring and evaluation activities usually engage mutually quantitative and qualitative data and most collection method involve some aspect of both. For example, you may decide to do a survey, a typical qualitative method to get people’s opinion about the outcome of a project. But to do this survey, you must make decisions about the outcome of how you choose those people and when you finish the survey you must analyse it to allow you to describe what the majority and minority opinions were. These actions require you to apply quantitative method of data collection. Additionally, the reporting on the work of monitoring and evaluation should be undertaken truthfully in ensuring to get the message across to the right people. The project managers, donors, participants and citizens will be eager enough that reporting have been undertaken truthfully, so that any necessary adjustments can be done through the implementation progress. Undertaking the finest monitoring and evaluation course of action can be done, but if you cannot put in order a well-constructed, well-presented and convincing report then all the work will be nothing. It is vitally necessary to disseminate and communicate the results to key stakeholders and other audiences as soon as possible and in forms that are easy to understand and use. As stated in the United Nation Population Fund (2001; p95) The results should be distributed to those with a direct interest in the project, particularly individuals with duty for building important decision about the project and to other potentially concerned people. Adding on to the dissemination of final report, it is useful to organise conventions, workshops and conversation groups with various stakeholders, using a variety of methods such as visual displays and sounded presentations to communicate results and to help users assimilate and interpret information. For example the monitoring and evaluation staff can prepare information on the most important findings and describe what effect they will have on the project implementation, development and expansion. Monitoring and evaluation must provide usable information. It must enable project directors, for example, to guide and shape their projects towards the greatest effectiveness. The most significant features of an effective evaluation is that it does make available usable information , information that project staff and other stakeholders can make use of directly to make decisions about the project. To conclude, the usefulness of monitoring and evaluation to the project managers, donors, participants and the citizens will be reflected upon the honest, objective, fair, accurate data collection and the truthful undertaking of reporting of information relevant to project. The work of monitoring and evaluation should be honest to ensure honesty and integrity in having respect to the safekeeping, dignity and self-worth of respondents to surveys, the project participants, citizens and other stakeholders they interconnect with. It should also to be undertaken objectively in essence that it provides worthwhile responses to managers, donors, participants and the citizens as it informs decisions on operations or activities that are related to ongoing or future project intervention. Moreover, the work of monitoring and evaluation must be carried out fairly in its examination and recording of strengths and weakness of the project being monitored and evaluated, so that strengths can be built upon and problems addressed. Those involve in the monitoring and evaluation activities should make certain that the complete set of the findings along with relatable limitation are made accessible to the audience affected by the monitoring and evaluation, and any other expressed permissible privileges to receive the results. And so, the collection of data to be carried out accurately and that reporting should be undertaken truthfully. The aim should be to identify the minimum amount of new information needed to meet the monitoring and evaluation needs. For all intents and purposes, the considerations of cost, time, feasibility and useful means must need to be very carefully selective in what was collected.
Sunday, May 3, 2020
Critical accounting theory Essay Example For Students
Critical accounting theory Essay Outline1 Introduction2 Philosophic grounds3 Practical grounds4 Example theories5 Theory 1: Positive accounting theory6 Theory 2. Critical accounting theory7 Mentions Introduction There are several grounds there is no 1 universally accepted theory of accounting. The grounds are of two kinds. The first is philosophical. The 2nd is practical. This essay discusses each of these. It so provides illustrations from accounting theory. Philosophic grounds The statement There is no universally accepted accounting theory is true by definition. Scientific apprehension of the term theory denies that any theory can be universally accepted. Harmonizing to Popper ( e.g. , 2002a, 2002b ) , theories are speculations that are put to the trial. If they are refuted by the trial, they are either rejected or refined. If they are non refuted, they remain theories ( non facts ) . They are so set to farther trials, and are farther refined. In order for this to continue, there must be rival theories. In this manner, theories compete in a procedure of Darwinian choice. The theories neer get to the truth , but they get increasingly closer. This is the first ground there is no universally accepted theory of accounting. If there were a universally recognized theory of accounting, it would nt be a theory. It would be something else. Notice that, harmonizing to Popper, no theory of all time arrives at certain cognition. The best any theory can make is restrict ignorance. Furthermore, if scientists were to detect a true theory , there would be no manner they could cognize it was true, so at that place would still be viing theories. This last point demands amplification. G A ; ouml ; del s rawness theorems ( see, e.g. , Hofstadter, 1979 ) demonstrate that, in any system of logic rich plenty to incorporate formal arithmetic there exists an infinite figure of statements that are true but that are impossible, in rule, for the system to cognize to be true. This means, in practical footings, that in any complex system-for illustration, an economic system-there exist solutions to jobs that are known by the system, but are non known by any person within it. This is appreciated by taking economic experts ( e.g. , Hayek, 1979 ) . Further, given that there exist normally boundlessly more incorrect solutions to jobs than right solutions to jobs, any effort to work out such jobs by diktat is boundlessly more likely to take to failure than to success. As respects economic sciences, this led Hayek ( 1944 ) to his bridal of the free market. As respects theory in scientific discipline, it means that any effort to enforce a i ndividual theory on anything is likely to take to a earnestly incorrect theory. This is another ground for believing there can be no universally accepted theory of accounting. Any universally accepted theory could merely be universally accepted if it were imposed by diktat, and, if it were imposed by diktat, it would of necessity most likely be incorrect. Therefore it would give rise to a rival theory. Related to this, Feyerabend ( 1996 ) argues that there is no such thing as a individual scientific method, and that any effort to enforce one is counter-productive. Feyerabend s doctrine of scientific discipline is summarised as anything goes . This, provides another ground for there being no individual theory of accounting. If there can be no universally accepted method, there can be no universally accepted theory. There are two popular positions of scientific discipline that are in struggle with Popper s position: positivism and postmodernism. Positivism is the doctrine, associated with Ayer ( 1946 ) that says that the lone meaningful statements are those that are true by logic and those that may be verified by observation. This is the confirmation rule. The first job with the confirmation rule is that it is neither a truth of logic nor an through empirical observation verifiable fact, hence by its ain footings it is nonmeaningful. The 2nd job is that in implies science returns inductively. But inductive logic ( pulling general decisions from specific cases ) is flawed: a million observations of white swans, for illustration, does non show that all swans are white ( so, they are nt: some swans are black ) . Postmodernism is the doctrine that world is socially constructed. So what is existent to one individual may be unreal to another. At a fiddling degree, this is true, for different people see the same things in different ways. It is besides true that, historically, scientific discipline progressed in some cases by alterations in universe position, or paradigm ( Kuhn, 1996 ) . However, this is a inquiry more of the sociology of scientific discipline, non of ontology. And taken literally postmodernism is absurd. It leads to the decision that there is no such thing as world. Core Business Strategy Of Thomas Cook Commerce EssayBut the impression of H. economicus is problematic-some people are stupid, some are selfless, and so on ( Lunn, cited in Clark, 2008 ) , The EMH is besides combative. Some economic experts accept it, others do nt. The EMH is besides obscure. If the market is efficient, the EMH does nt state how long it takes to make a determination Besides, if the EMH were true, arbitrage would be impossible. The best 1 can state about the premises is that they provide an estimate of world. How good an estimate it is, cipher knows. This is another ground there is no universally accepted theory of accounting. Some people think the premises provide a good estimate ; some people think they provide a bad one. Fama and French ( 2004 ) province that markets can be inefficient and investors can be ill-informed and irrational, Merely as proprietors, authoritiess, and workers have vested involvements, so have Watts and Zimmerman. In their instance, they are interested in advancing positive accounting theory. So, in this respect, the theory has a normative facet. It concerns how accountancy research workers should pattern their trade. If all research workers follow Watts and Zimmerman s diktats, Watts and Zimmerman will go rich. Naturally, all accounting research workers want to be in Watts and Zimmerman s place, but the lone manner for them to make so is to develop a rival theory. This is another ground there is no universally accepted accounting theory. Theory 2. Critical accounting theory Critical accounting theory is nt truly a theory. It s more a manner of unfavorable judgment. It aims, non merely to change accounting pattern, but to alter society ( Gaffikin, 2008 ) . It is political. Therefore, for illustration, Laughlin ( cited in Davis, 2008 ) provinces: A critical apprehension of the function of accounting procedures and patterns and the accounting profession in the operation of society and administrations with an purpose to utilize that understanding to prosecute ( where appropriate ) in altering these procedures, patterns and the profession. In this, critical accounting theory is postmodernist. Postmodernists point to the legion defects in positive accounting theory. They highlight the failings in the constructs of H. economicus and the EMH. They point out that Watts and Zimmerman use rhetorical devices to set the positions across. They argue that the methodological analysis and mensurating instruments of rationalist theories are rough, and so on. Occasionally, they make ( or repetition ) good points ( e.g. , the EMH is wrong ) ( e.g. , Mouck, 1992 ) . As indicated, postmodernists deny the being of nonsubjective world. In making so, they deny the possibility of finding the truth, or worth, of any statement. Therefore they deny the truth, or worth, of postmodernism. This is the job with postmodernism. If world is socially constructed, so there can non be a universally recognized theory, for socially constructed world differs harmonizing to who is making the constructing. A true theory to one postmodernist is a false theory to all others. That is why there is no universally accepted theory of accounting. Mentions Ayer, A.J. ( 1946 ) . Language, truth and logic. ( 2nd ed. ) . London: Gollancz. Clark, T. ( 2008, November 1 ) . Market lunacy. The Guardian. Davis, D. ( 2008 ) . Critical accounting theory. Lecture 9. Lecture notes. Bangor Business School. Feyerabend, P. ( 1996 ) . Against method: Outline of an anarchistic theory of cognition. San Francisco, CA: Analytic Psychology Club of San Francisco, Fama, E.F. and French, A.R. ( 2004 ) . The CAPM: Theory and Evidence. On line: hypertext transfer protocol: // Gaffikin, M. ( 2008 ) . Accounting theory: Research, ordinance and accounting pattern. Gallic Forest, Australia: Pearson Education. Hayek, F. A. ( 1979 ) . Unemployment and pecuniary policy. San Francisco: Cato Institute. Hayek, F. A. ( 1944 ) . The route to serfdom. London: George Routledge Hofstadter, D. ( 1979 ) . G? del, Esther, Bach: An ageless aureate plait. Harmondsworth: Penguin. Kuhn, T. ( 1996 ) . The construction of scientific revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Mouck, T. ( 1992 ) . The rhetoric of scientific discipline and the rhetoric of rebellion in the narrative of positive accounting theory. Accounting Auditing, and Accountability, 5 ( 4 ) : 35-56. Popper, K. ( 2002a ) . Unended pursuit. An rational life. London: Routledge. Popper, K. ( 2002b ) . Speculations and defenses. London: Routledge. Watts, R.L. And Zimmerman, J.L. ( 1978 ) . Towards a positive theory of the finding of accounting criterions. Accounting Review, 53: 112-132.
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